Chapter 19

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  Picture of Anna
I hadn't really seen much of Brent because Anna was always around him but I saw him in the hallway and walked up to him.

"Hey," I cheerfully said.

"Oh hey. What's up?" He ask.

"Well I was thinking since we haven't really hung out much that we can go bowling tomorrow ?" I smile.

"I would love to but.. I kind of already made plans with Anna. We are going to the movies" he said.

"Oh" I was a little taken back. "Well when do you plan on spending time with me? Your girlfriend?" I ask a bit bitterly.

Just as I said that Anna walked up.

"You can go to the movies with us," she suggest.

  "Were you eaves dropping or something?" I asked her.

"No I just happened to walk by," she smile.

"Fine I will join you guys at the movies," I grinned pretending to like the idea. I had a feeling Anna was my enemy. Maybe she was trying to get Brent back or something.
"Your birthday is coming up. What do you plan on doing?" Kaley ask me at lunch.

"I'm having a huge party of course" I laughed.
Every year I have one of the biggest parties at school and I wasn't breaking that tradition.

"Sounds fun!" Stacy said.

"Yeah do you girls want to come over today and help me make my invites?" I asked.

"Sure," Kaley and Samantha said.

"Yeah," Stacy and Margaret agreed.

"Great," I hold up both of thumbs.
Later we were at my house making the invites.

"So are you inviting your old friends?" Margaret asked.

"Oh heck no. I may not totally hate them but we aren't really friends anymore."

"I wouldn't invite them either if I was you,"
Kaley agreed with my decision."So how are you and Brent doing?"

"Umm.. I haven't really seen him ever since Anna came back. She literally gets in the way of everything," I roll my eyes.

"Then tell her to back off in the nicest way possible," Stacy suggested.

"I can't. She is like his best friend and if I threatened her then I know things will turn out badly for me," I explained.

"I say you just move on to that bad boy hottie that is always talking to you," Kaley grinned moving her eyebrows up and down.

I reach for the nearest pillow and threw it at her and we started laughing.

"Gosh no" I said.
The next day at school I started handing out invites and Caroline walked up to me.

"What are those?" She said looking at the envelopes.

"Envelopes," I stated the obvious.

"No silly. I mean what is in them?"

"My birthday invitations," I rolled my eyes knowing what was coming next.

"Oh do I get one?" She smile reaching your arm out.

"No" I stepped back.

"Why not?" she snapped.

"Um.. Because your still as fake as your plastic nails and you treated me like crap because of how I dressed, so you don't deserve an invite" I said confidently.

"Ok you want to know what really happened?" Caroline asked.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Why we really ditched you? We ditched you because we all really hated you before you lost everything. Everything was all about you, you, you. It was like you were our leader or something, and we didn't want to be treated like your minions. So once we saw you dressed so terribly we took it as an opportunity to get rid of you," Caroline explained coldly.

I was stunned, wordless, I just stood there.

"Yeah and before your transition you were fake too and people don't change that fast," Caroline said walking off.

All she said surprisingly hurt me. It was like our whole friendship was a lie to begin with. I was broken inside.

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