Chapter 3

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Picture of Caroline ^
Later that day I was at my locker when I heard someone behind me. I looked around to see Ben standing there. He was smiling.

"Hey Hannah! I'm having a party and I want to invite you to it," he said.

"That's surprising. I didn't think I was in the 'it' group anymore," I turn around to get my science notebook out my locker.

I have been treated like an outcast lately and didn't expect to still be invited to parties. Even if I did go to Ben's party, who would I hang out with?

"Well I don't know about that, but you are still my friend Hannah. That's not going to change because you dress differently."

Finally someone with common sense. I was so glad that Ben wasn't fake like the others.

"Umm well thanks... Can I invite my new friends?" I asked hoping he would say yes . There was no way I was going to this party without them.

"Umm... I don't know..."



"Pretty please, I don't want to go without them."


"Thanks!" I squealed.


Later that day I had told Kaley and the others about the party and they jumped in excitement. For most of them it was their first dance party ever. This was going to be fun.

I went to Samatha's house (one of my new friends) where me, Kaley, and Sam(the only two that could make it) did our make-up. Her house was smaller than mine, but it was so comfortable inside, and I loved the cozy feeling of being there.

"Oh my gosh! I look gorgeous!" Sam squealed. Before we did our makeup, Sam had told us that she never wore makeup.

"Totally" I said examining her to make sure everything was perfect. I was a perfectionist when it came to makeup.

"Hans, you look perfect" Kaley said.

"Thanks Kaley! Ok girls, and don't be nervous about the party and there will be no alcoholic drinks so you don't have to worry about drinking and doing something stupid. Also if you get picked on or feel uncomfortable come tell me immediately" I explained to them. I knew there were some stupid people at these parties sometimes, and at some of the parties I have been to I had felt very uncomfortable.

Sam bursted out laughing "yes mother," she says sarcastically.

We took my car and headed for Ben's house. We played the radio and sung to the top of our lungs. When we arrived there was already a lot of people there.

We walked in the door to see people dancing, playing cards, and talking.

"Well girls go mingle and have fun," I said to them. I went to the dance floor and started to dance.

I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turned around to see the guy from the library.

"Hey" he said nervously as if he had worked up the courage to talk to me.

"Hey, you're that guy from the library," I smiled. Geez this guy was so cute. I was sooo over Ben.

"Haha yes. I'm totally that guy from the library. Do you want to dance with me?" he asked

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