Chapter 18

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   Picture of Kaley^
The next day I went to the library and saw Brent laughing and talking to some pretty brunette who I have never seen before. Brent was so caught up in their conversation that he didn't even notice me when I walked up.

"Hey," I said interrupting their conversation.

"Oh hey Hannah. I want to introduce you to my old best friend Anna. She moved out of state last year and now she is back," Brent smiled.

  I already knew I didn't like this Anna girl. The way she was looking and smiling at Brent as though she was in love with him.

"How nice to meet you Anna," I forced a smile.

"You too. Your so pretty, it must be great to have Brent as your boyfriend," she grinned but it was forced. Trust me, I can tell when a girl is lying.

"Well I will give you two some time to catch up. See you later," I gave Brent a kiss on the cheek and gave Anna one last glance.

On my way out I bumped into Macy.

"Eww watch where your going," she squealed.

"Your such a drama queen. By the way what do you know about Anna, Brent's old friend?" I asked Macy because She knows almost everything about everyone.

  "You mean Anna Heart, Brent's old girlfriend?" Macy smirked.

"Girlfriend?" I practically choked on my own spit.

"Yes they were the school's cutest couple and she is my best friend and I'm so glad she is back," Macy said with an actual real smile. "But I feel bad for you because they belong together, lol just kidding I don't feel anything for you. Sucks to suck," Macy evilly grinned and walked off.

Now I was at Kaley's locker explaining my situation.

"I don't know what to think. Brent's old girlfriend just suddenly shows up and I'm pretty sure they were flirting in the library. Brent didn't even notice me at first," I frowned.

"Maybe your overreacting. I'm pretty sure Brent loves you and he was just catching up on old times. Besides your in the new and she is in the old," Kaley said supporting me.

"Yeah I guess," I said not wanting to talk anymore. Everyone know that people with more history together still attract.

Later in English Daniel sat next to me.

"Hey," he said

I said nothing

"Earth to Hannah," he said waving his hand in front of my face.

"I can hear you," I said annoyed.

"Then why aren't you responding ," he asked.

"Because I think karma is finally paying me a visit," I said emotionless.

"Karma gets me everyday and you don't see me complaining," Daniel smirked. "In fact, just this morning I tripped down one of the school stairways."

I laughed as I imagine a tough guy like Daniel falling down the stairs.

"Well my situation is a bit more serious," I say.

Daniel studied me for awhile.

"Want to go to that ice cream place nearby after school, you could use something to cheer you up" Daniel asked.

At the ice cream place I got a mix of vanilla and cake batter and a bunch of candy for toppings.

"Ew you like all that candy in your ice cream?" Daniel asked.

"Duh, it's great!" I say.

"You're going to get a bunch of cavities from that," Daniel warned jokingly.

"I will take my chances, and at least I don't just get plain vanilla" which is exactly what Daniel got.

"So what has been making you feel so down today?" Daniel seriously asked.

"Well I think I am just insecure," I say looking down.

"Aren't we all?" Daniel questioned.

"So my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is back and enrolled at our school. I guess I am just afraid that they are going to get back together. Like I am in their way of a happy ending. Plus they never actually broke up because their relationship was failing or anything , they just broke up when Anna moved away. I think I am just being paranoid," I rambled all my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah... don't think to much about it. He would be an idiot to give you up," Daniel looked into my eyes.

We ended up sitting down and having a nice and comfortable conversation. I don't know why people thought Daniel was so bad, I thought he was secretly a sweetheart inside.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Anyways I hope you enjoy my book so far.

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