Chapter 11

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Jenny ^

When I got home I went upstairs and my Dad and Mom were standing outside my bedroom door.

  "What is happening?" I asked confused.

"We have a surprise for you" my mom smiled.

They lead me to my closet and there was a bunch of the newest expensive designer clothes with a bunch of shoes to go with them.

"I got a new job!" my dad said.

"YESSS!" I screamed.

"Ok enjoy," my Dad said covering his ears from my scream.

I was literally like so happy. That doesn't me I'm going to go back to my old life of being popular but at least I can look nice again.
In the morning I put on one of my cute dresses and my glittery sandals.

I walked in school feeling good with my head high.

"Omg Hannah you look hot," Jenny told me as I walked down the hallway.

"and you're NOT" I said and walked passed her. Okay so that was a little rude and I totally regretted saying it, but they can't just suddenly be my friends again because of my appearance.

At lunch I went to see Brent at the library.

"Wow you look beautiful today," Brent complimented.

"Aww thanks.. I got my style back," I smiled.
"But I have a question for you. Would you like to be my date to a charity event?" I asked.

"Yes I would love to! When is it?"

"This Saturday."

"Oh I can't this Saturday, my older sister is having her wedding" Brent sighed.

"Oh.. Um.. That's totally fine" I grinned.

This totally wasn't fine. Who is going to be my date? It's definitely not Daniel. This called for drastic measures. Ben.

After our talk, I walk out of the library and saw Ben in the hallway.

"What's up Ben?" I greeted.

"Oh hey Hannah... Long time no see," he winked.

This guy had a whole two years to wink a me and now that I'm over him he decided to do the cute guy wink.

  "Yeah I know. I was wondering if you can be my date the Caroline's charity event?" I got straight to the point.

  "Why me?" Ben looked unsure.

"Why not you?" I asked.

"Okay I guess," he shrugged.

Was there something wrong with me or something? I use to like this guy and he was never interested in me. I thought it was because of Macy but now they are broken up and he acts like he still can't stand me.

  Then he walked off without me responding.

"Okay talk to you later," I yelled after him.

  Gosh Ben was kinda a jerk sometimes.
It was the day of the event. I rode with my family and was going to meet Ben there.

  When we got there a bunch of tables where set up for the dinner. The place was really nice and fancy. I spotted Ben and went to go sit down with him. He was seated with Caroline, Jenny, and their dates.

I admit Ben looked hot in his suit, but I wasn't as attractive to him as I used to be.

"You look great," I complimented Ben.

"I know," he responded. "Um.. You look great too," he sounded like he was forced to say the last part.

"I'm glad you could make it Hannah," Caroline said.

  "Yeah me too," I smiled.

"Macy isn't going to be here? Right?" I ask hoping she would say no.

"No, she had some wedding to attend," Caroline respond. Oh thank goodness.

"Great because if she was here then it would be very awkward," Ben said.

"I know right," Caroline giggled.

It honestly seemed liked my old friends were making a effort to make up to me.

The dinner was nice. It was a well done steak with a couple of sides.

"Man that was good," I said leaning back.

"Haha I know right," Ben laughed.

"I thought it was kinda gross," Jenny said poking at her steak. Jenny has always been the pickiest eater.

  "Jenny you think everything is gross" I laughed.

"I know but still," she laughed with me.

Then Caroline's mother came on the microphone.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. This event was for our family and friends raising 2 million dollars to go to local hospitals. I am so grateful and appreciate all the donations. Now let the dance begin!"

Everyone clapped and made their way to the dance floor. I was surprised when I heard upbeat music. Usually at these things it's classic music.

Ben, Caroline, Jenny, and their dates all danced together. It was so much fun. We were dancing, talking, and laughing. It actually felt great to be around them again.

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