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Daenys had been back for 6 moons but refused to leave her room. The trials for the treatory have also been on hold until the princess was ready to stand in the room with others.

Rhaenyra had tried to get her to come out. She even went as far as to try and drag her out only resulting in Daenys flying to a tall cupboard or shelf that could hold her.

Daemon tried to coax her out with anything shiny, but she would throw them back at him. Daemon then tried bringing Benjicot only for her to hide so he couldn't see her. But today, he was going to try again.

He walked to Daenys chamber's with a small box in his hand for Daenys. He hoped she would like it and come out after he speaks to her. He hated seeing her this way. Caging herself in her room.

He knocked on the door, only reseaving the same as always. A growl. He entered with his hands up as he spoke calmly.

"Daenys, you will send yourself insane if you keep yourself shut away like this."

Daenys just growled at him again.

"So you had your eye cut out. Hum. That's not stopped you from being who you are. It has made you stronger."

Daenys looked at him, waiting for him to go on.

"I got you this. But before you throw it at me, there is a reason I got this for you. So open it."

He handed the box to Daenys as she looked inside. It was a beautiful violet diamond ball, or so she thought.

"It's to replace your eye." Daemon sat in a chair across from her. "It will be uncomfortable for a while, but you will get used to it. And don't hind yourself away because of the scars that are on you. Wear them with pride to show that they fail to bring you down."

Daemon had to turn away when Daenys was putting her nee eye in.

"Show them that they made you stronger. Show them you do not fear them that you are a dragon and a dragon fears no one. Now get dressed we have a meal to get to."

Daenys went to growl but was stopped when a dress was thrown at her.

"There are people who miss you and that Benjicot boy has come back to see you. Now get dressed, let's surprise them."

With that, Daemon left the room for Daenys to change so he could do her hair. Daenys just grumbled at him as he left. And got changed.

After Daemon came back in and did her hair so it was out of her face with side braids that connected to fall free down her back to her bottom. After he was done, he held his arm out and let Daenys take it.

"Come, let's get there before they eat all the food."

They started to walk to the hall when Daenys started to get nervous maids, which looked terrified of her and hurried away seeing the glare of Daemon. Reaching the hall, they stopped as guards opened the doors. The room went silent as they entered.

"Your scars do not define you. Wear them with pride." Daemon whispered in high valyrian.

Everyone looked at Daenys as she entered the new scar, healing nicely the new stone that replaced her eye, shining brightly in the glint of the candles. She wore a red dress with black flames going up it. Her wings held to her back in a black leather brace so she could rest them. Her hair fell perfectly down her back.

"Daenys." Her mother whispered as she got up and slowly approached her, arms held out to her. Daenys stepped close to her purring as she felt her mother's arms wrap around her. Rhaenyra kissed her head before pulling away. "Come eat. They boys would eat it all if we let them."

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