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chapter five |
J a s o n  p o v

The spring breeze brushed against my face as I opened the car door.

As I hopped out of my truck, I tucked my gun into the back of my jeans. I ran up to them and ripped him off of her,  throwing him onto the ground. I immediately got on top of him and collided my fists with his face. Fighting gave me some kind of adrenaline. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I blacked out for a second, which was bad to do in front of her.

He was a disgusting piece of shit that didn't deserve to be with a girl like her.

But you do?

My rage completely took over me because I had forgot that she was there, observing everything. I had one goal and it was to inflict as much pain on him as possible.

I was punching him consecutively and he wasn't even hitting me back, which was a smart move for him.

"Stop!" She yelled. I felt a grip on my upper arm and that touch released me from my black out, all my rage and anger slowly  subdued. I stopped punching him and locked my eyes with her beautiful [insert eye color] eyes. We stood there staring into each other's eyes forever—well it felt like forever. My whole world stopped. I've never looked into her eyes before or been this close to her. All I wanted to do was kiss her but I knew I couldn't. Not yet. I got up from the ground still not taking my gaze off of her, even though she broke her gaze and looked down at the pathetic shit that was whimpering on the ground.

I wonder what she's thinking about? I hoped that she didn't feel sorry for him. "Are you okay?" I asked, wanting to hold her and see if she was actually okay.

She watched me. She was studying my face, which gave me butterflies in my stomach, which I never felt before. She slowly nodded and brought her attention to him again. He was laying helplessly, groaning out in pain. My jaw clenched as I watched her watch him with remorse. He didn't deserve her sympathy. I saw her take advancements towards him and that sprung anger throughout my body. I immediately raised my hand in front of her, not wanting her to touch him.

He deserved everything I did to him & more. I should've killed him.

Then she would have really hated you Jason, that wouldn't have been a good move, you dick head. My conscious kept telling me.

"Who are you?" She asked while turning her attention back to me.

She's so beautiful. All wanted to do was take her with me now.

The way her eyes watched me made me think that she felt the same way I felt about her. It made me feel that she could possibly love me.

Why would she you dumb ass, she has never met you until now, and your planning on kidnapping her. I don't think that's going to sit well with her.


"Do you need a ride?" I asked avoiding her previous question. I hoped that she would say yes. I wanted to be with her for as long as I could.

Y o u r  p o v

He was alluring, I'm not going to lie, but he seemed like bad news. He had a beanie on that covered his hair & he had a hoodie on top of it. Which made him seem like he wasn't trying to be seen by anyone, like he was hiding something.

Once he got off of Jax his appearance came more into view. He had mesmerizing brown eyes & alittle stubble above his lip. He was wearing a Nike hoodie with black ripped jeans. I had to admit he looked well dressed.

So maybe he's not bad news? But he still gave off a mysterious/weird vibe.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked.
I looked down at Jax one more time contemplating if I should just leave him in the grass at 1 in the morning. He deserves this he hurt you physically, why do you still care? A voice asked in my head.

"Uhm, okay." I said while sending the him a forced smile. I did walk far to get here. I was very on edge, he wouldn't hurt me if he just saved me from being hurt right? I asked myself.

As he placed his hand at the small of my back, guiding me across the abandoned street, under the street light his car came into view. Making me stop dead in my tracks. I studied the Mercedes Benz logo placed on the car, reminding me of the same car that stalked me last weekend.

"I think I'm just going to walk." I said, watching the all too familiar truck parked in front of me.

J a s o n  p o v

"I think I'm just going to walk."
As soon as the words escaped her mouth I became confused, hurt & angry. Did I do something wrong? I noticed that her her eyes were glued to my car. I wasn't quite sure at first but then the light bulb went off in my head.

Fuck! She recognized my truck from that night. I knew that night I shouldn't have followed her with the car that I used regularly. I'm such a fucking idiot. Now she knew, she knew that I was the one following her.

I slowly reached for the gun that was in my jeans pocket, contemplating if I should just take her tonight. Should I? I asked myself.

No Jason you need to wait til you get back up tomorrow, a voice repeated in my head. Back up? I can take her on my own. My jaw was clenched as I watched her stare at me with fear, she tried to hide it with a fake smile but I saw straight through her.

"Are you sure?" I asked trying to hide the anger in my voice. She slowly nodded, swallowing down hard.

"Thanks for tonight." She said then walked across the street disappearing through the sidewalk lights.

I hopped in my truck slamming the door immediately. I hit my steering wheel repeatedly and threw my beanie in the back seat, causing my hair to fall in my face. I ran my fingers through it, thinking about everything that happened that night.

I could've kissed her tonight.

I knew I needed to take her. And I was. Tomorrow.

With or without back up.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed.
Comment if you have questions because I'll answer them.

July 20, 2015
4:31 p.m.

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