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A/N: Another update? Yes because I love you guys. Louis had his baby yesterday!!! Any one direction fans..? #CongratulationsLouis

chapter sixty-four |
J a s o n  p o v

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked. I grabbed my keys from my jeans pocket, heading towards the door. "Just going to see what the girls are up to." I said, trying not to seem too concerned. Once I finally turned around, my eyes locked with her's. She was sitting next to Josh, while his armed was wrapped around her.

"Give Lotus a kiss for me." He said, causing the other guys to laugh.

I rolled my eyes, closing the door behind me. I went in the elevator, heading down to the lobby. I placed my shades over my eyes even though It wasn't even sunny outside. More like freezing cold.

Are you really letting this girl get to you?


She's controlling your emotions.

No she's not.

Don't let her get to you.

Who says I am?

I hopped into my truck, turning on the ignition. I ran my fingers through my hair, placing the hoodie over it. I was trying to hide my messy bed hair.

I didn't know what I was going to do if everything that girl told me was true.

What if she was planning on running away?

Ever since those two had met at the carnival, Y/n had been talking about her family a lot lately. How she wanted to tell them she was okay. Being me, I kept telling her no. I didn't want to believe her but everything made sense, it fell perfectly into place.

My mind kept racing with heartbreaking thoughts. Maybe I was letting her get to me.

She can't possibly have me & her family. I just don't see how that could be feasible. Our lives aren't normal, she shouldn't have to pick between her family and me. It's fucked up, I know. But our relationship is messed up & I'm selfish. If she ever sees her family again, I could never be in the picture & I'm not willing to give that up.

But then the other half of me really wanted to see her be genuinely happy. & I didn't know if she was genuinely happy with me, knowing that she couldn't see her family. Apart of me wanted to give her that choice. If she wanted to be with me then I would feel like I'm not being a barrier between her and her family.

But if she chose them, I think I might've just given up everything, including her.

I didn't  know where I would muster up the strength to let her go.

Y o u r p o v

"Don't feel too bad. He never had a girlfriend before." Cara said. She uncocked her gun, placing ammunition inside.

I'm certainly aware of that, but like he always said I'm different. We're different.

I aligned the hand gun with my eye, making sure to aim at the red bullseye on the target board.

SHE'S MINE  → JASON MCCANNWhere stories live. Discover now