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chapter nine |
Y o u r p o v

"So?" Jax asked softly, while we walked through the wooded trails. He looked horrible. His face was bruised up and his lip was badly busted. I didn't know if I was supposed to feel bad for what happened or feel happy because he got what he deserved.

Just because someone does something bad to you doesn't mean you automatically stop loving them.

I know, you're probably like "Why the hell am in the woods with him?" He wanted to apologize. So I told him to meet me at the lake house on Piper Hill Road. I felt like the both of us needed some sort of closure. We needed to be on the same page about our relationship . I needed him to accept that we were over. I didn't want him to have all this anger & animosity towards me.

"So?" I asked, while staring down at the gravel & dirt as we walked down the trail towards the lake house. It was an abandoned house that was perfectly placed by a small lake in the woods. That's where all the seniors threw parties. We've been coming up here since freshman year.

It was a good thing the sun was still out because at night this place would've been completely terrifying.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out. My head shot up towards his. I was shocked that he was actually apologizing sincerely.

Jax's never really apologized.

"I didn't mean to hurt you or touch you, I wasn't myself that night."

I wanted to say that it was fine but it really wasn't. "Okay, why would you do that to me though?" I asked curiously.

"I had a lot of alcohol that night."

They always blamed it on everything else but them self. That didn't justify anything. I wished in that moment I still didn't have an ounce of love for him. It sucked that I cared. I should've laughed in his face.

Actually I should've be at my carrier's store, changing my cellphone number. The text that I received earlier that day made me realize that I was not simply being pranked. I didn't even  tell anyone about the text I received. I thought I could handle it myself, all I had to do was change my number.

At least that's what I thought.

"Is everything okay?" He asked releasing me from my stressful thoughts. The sun was starting to set and I realized that I should leave and start heading back home. The sun setting happened so fast. I didn't want to be with Jax at night, not again.

"Yeah. I should probably get going." I said while sending him a small but fake smile. "Wait, I wanna show you something." He said. I gave him a weird look and let him guide me down closer by the Lake house.

Boy was I an idiot.


"Remember this spot?" He asked. I looked around and my mouth fell, literally hitting the ground. There was string lights hanging on the trees. It lit up the whole lake, it reminded me of sophomore year.

"Did you just do this?" I asked while still staring up at the lights in amazement. Why would he do this? I questioned.

"I got Ethan and Mason to do it. I thought it would've been nice." He said while nervously putting his hands in his pocket. The whole time I was admiring the trees, he was admiring me. The lights were so bright that it lit up the whole lake house view. It was already dark and the sun set ages ago.

I didn't know how I ended up staying out there so late. "This is really beautiful." I said while sending him a smile.

"You know what else is beautiful?" He asked and everything started making sense. Is he trying to impress me back? I should've known he wasn't going to let me go so easily. He gently grabbed my chin, making me turn my head in his direction. I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. While we were literally inches apart my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Saved by the vibration, I thought.

I quickly pulled out my phone, unlocking it immediately.

unknown number: don't you dare  fucking kiss him

Not this shit again.

I scoffed and searched around the woods trying to figure out who the hell this person was. It has to be one of Grayson's friends, one of our friends. Austin? Ethan? Who?

The only way I could know if it was a joke was to actually kiss Jax, I wanted to know what was going to happen—who was going to pop out of the bushes if I kissed him. I wanted to know who was sending me these creepy text messages. If nothing happened then I knew someone was just playing games with me. If something did happen I knew that the situation was actually serious.

I diverted my gaze back to Jax, sending him a smile. I wrapped my hand around his neck., leaning in closer to his face.

"Is everything okay?" He asked with a warm smile. I nodded and my cellphone vibrated once again. I rested my head on his shoulders, checking my phone behind his back.

unknown number: im fucking warning you Y/n

*phone vibrates*

unknown number: don't play me.

I was confused to how this person knew my name, knew where I was most of the time. It erupted chills throughout my body. I scanned the woods while my head was resting on Jax shoulders. It had to have been one of my friends pranking me, somewhere in the woods.

Being brave & wanting answers, I grabbed Jax's face and kissed him eagerly. He responded back immediately. I pulled away not wanting the kiss to go too far. I looked into his dark brown eyes & he looked somewhat surprised. Instantly after, I heard a loud bang. I suddenly jumped, scanning my eyes over the dark wooded area. It sounded like a gun shot, I never heard a real gunshot in real life but that definitely sounded like one. I watched plenty of movies to know what a gun shot sounded like.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice that Jax's body weight was leaning on me pretty heavily.

I gave him one last look and that was enough to make me scream so loud that the birds flew away from the trees.

A/N: Vote & comment guys.

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