chapter fifteen |
Y o u r p o v→
He looked so innocent, even though he was far from it. His hair was a disheveled mess, and he was wearing a flannel that was buttoned low. I saw parts of his tattoos that were littered all over his chest. What the hell am I doing, sitting here describing this freak.
A good looking freak.
I still sat there as I watched him bring the spoon to his mouth. He was eating captain crunch cereal. I hated admitting it but he was handsome, the way his jaw clenched as he bit down into his breakfast was mesmerizing to me. The way his brown eyes would glance at me, every once in a while sent shivers throughout my body. I hated that I was just sitting there admiring his features. He's probably going to kill me, I thought.
It's been twelve hours—twelve long hours. It was difficult to escape because he had an extremely sensitive alarm system, which meant that I could never leave the house or touch any of the windows. I didn't even know where the hell I was. I could've been in a whole other country for all I knew.
I suddenly heard his spoon clink against his bowl. He dropped his spoon. I looked at him & his eyes met mine. He looked upset, not again.
"Why aren't you eating?" He asked, I could hear the agitation in his voice. I watched as he rubbed the arch of his nose frustratingly. I looked down, realizing I haven't touched my bowl of cereal, orange juice or banana. I swallowed down hard. "I'm not hungry." I whispered.
"Y/n, you need to fucking eat." He said, trying to hold back his frustration.
"I rather starve." I whispered. "What was that?" He asked. Am I brave enough to repeat what I just said?
"If you want to kill me, then just do it. Why do all this?" I asked. I had enough. I didn't understand his purpose of kidnapping me.
"What's your purpose of kidnapping me? Why am I here?" I asked bitterly. I had no idea where all of this courage came from. I was just angry. I'm sitting here, eating breakfast with my kidnapper.
I had a life. I had a life with my mom, my brother, my family & my friends. He couldn't just take that away from me all because he possibly likes me. He was now standing up & his breathing was heavy. I knew that I'd made him mad. His face was blank as he looked down at me from across the table. I had my hands folded over my chest as I watched him.
I knew that at that point in time he could possibly kill me.
"Breaking News: A girl went missing a couple of hours ago in Manhattan and her parents are searching everywhere for her. She's goes by the name Y/f/n Y/l/n. The cops found her supposed ex boyfriend's body by a lake house yesterday, close nearby her house. He had a severe bullet wound to the head. This has many neighbors wondering should they be cautious for a kidnapper or her. Some believe she killed her boyfriend & fled. While others believe It could have been Long time criminal, Jason McCann. The bullet wound to the victim's head was precise and accurate, meaning the killer was experienced with guns, the orchestration of the crime has McCann written all over it. The cops have ruled out the girlfriend but are looking for any possible reasons for Jax Bow's murder & the disappearance of Y/f/n Y/l/n. I'm Donald Martin with your Dateline News." I turned around, staring at the television screen.
What the hell? A tear fell down my cheek as I sat there frozen in place. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from the television.
Instantly, the tv was shut off. I couldn't believe that people possibly thought that I could've killed Jax. Did my mom and brother believe this? Does my friends? I wondered.
Jason McCann, I thought for second. I Haven't seen him committing crimes in a while, then again no one has. I know that he's a ruthless killer and he belongs to a gang. That's what everyone knows. Nobody even knows what he looks like. It was better that everyone thought that he killed Jax instead me. I'm not a murderer.
I then remembered when I first woke up in the truck. One of the guys called the man standing behind me Jason. It couldn't possibly be him, no one knows what he looks like remember. He's probably a different Jason. What would the real Jason McCann want with me? I questioned.
My breathing became heavier, as I started to panic. I turned my head slowly & I found his brown eyes staring at me. He was gripping the remote tightly. Was I not supposed to hear that on the news?
I suddenly sprinted down the long stair case, almost tripping. This house was massive, it felt like being in a school. I heard his loud footsteps stomping close behind me. As I reached the last step I stopped dead in place, searching for a way to get out. If he was actually the Jason McCann I knew I needed to get out of that house.
Do you know how many people he has killed? He's done it all without being killed or seen. He's ruthless, he's a criminal. He steals and kills in order to live his life. Like I said, what would he want with me? Tears were falling down my face as I searched for an escape. I ran to the large front door. I tried opening it but it was locked, How the hell can it be locked from the inside?
"Why?" his broken voice asked, walking up behind me slowly. I immediately turned around, watching him closely.
"What do you want from me?" I asked. Tears started to flow from my eyes & my body started to tremble in fear.
"You." He said softly.
Me? What could he possibly want with me? I asked myself.
He walked up to me, running his finger through my hair. I moved away as I cautiously eyed the gun that was in his hand. He noticed, resulting to him to hide it behind his back.
"I want to love you & one day you'll love me back." He said. He was being so gentle as he stared down at my lips. Maybe he won't kill me, I thought. But I knew that I couldn't possibly love him.
I moved my head, stopping him from touching my face. I didn't want him touching me. It felt uncomfortable. He instantly punched the wall behind me, causing me to scream. I covered my eyes. He had the gun dangling in his hand as he aggressively tugged at the ends of his hair. Blood from his knuckles were transferred on to his blondish hair.
He was insane. He had to be. The way he looked at me, his anger.
"You can never leave me!" He yelled. I stared down at the silver pistol that was in his hands. At that very moment I was scared for my life.
But then again, I was too brave for my own good.
"I don't love you & I never will!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
As soon as the words fell out of my mouth I regretted it. His head snapped up, as he watched me profoundly. His brown eyes were glossy but his face screamed anger.
"Take it back." He whispered while holding the gun up to my head. A tear streamed down his face while clutching the trigger.
I stood there stunned. He's crying.
"Please don't." I whispered, while tears started falling from my face. He stared down at me. Was he really going to do it? He can't.
A/N: Vote if you enjoyed.
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Fanfiction[Highest Rank ~ #1 in Fanfiction] 7/18/2016 BOOK ONE → "YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE ME!" He screamed. You stared down at the silver pistol that was dangling in his hands. You watched the man that had the fate of your life in his hand. You were beyond scared...