Visiting The Siblings ~Exciting~

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Chapter 9

After ninja jumping/running for a good while, we came to a stop. I blink a bit and realized that I must have fallen asleep in his arms. I give a little yawn as I stretch my arms over my head, waiting for him to release me. I plan on running to my precious freedom, until he spoke the words that I dread.

"Don't think about running, my sand will easily catch you and I'll end you quickly."

I crossed my arms in a stubborn way, still waiting to be dropped. When he finally let go, I quickly rolled to the side. Landing on my feet as I glance around alert.

Gaara then gave me a single glance before pushing me against the wall of a building we was by. His body towering over mine and I was about to shout out at him when I saw some anbu walking past us. Gaara's form covered my slim form, leaving me undetected.

When the ninja was gone, Gaara would glance down at me, his face still showing no signs of feelings. His hand moved from my shoulders as he started to remove his shirt.

I couldn't stop the heated blush that blossomed on my pale cheeks. His flawless bare chest was so close. His body almost touching mine and the thought of him pushing me against the wall replayed in my mind. I desperately shook my head to clear that image.

Don't panic.. Don't freak out.... Please kami make sure I don't have an anxiety right here right now. Then Gaara handed me the shirt and I realized what he was thinking. Glancing down, I saw that I was still wearing my rouge-like battle gear. Which was torn and way past the worn stage.

I looked up at him with my eyebrow raised at him. He took my message and rolled his eyes as he turned his back. Giving me the privacy I needed. I then quickly changed and saw that his shirt was long enough to pass my butt, thank kami. Though it was still surprisingly short on me. It wasn't even close to my thighs and the thought of bending over made me want to barf.

Though the shirt showed off my slim-curving figure since Gaara was more on the skinny side, which I would never complain about.

After that we was walking through the village, his arms crossed as my eyes wandered aimlessly as I silently explored the village. He then directed me towards a building. Without hesitance, he opened the door and waited for me to enter. He didn't speak as I walk inside. The warm air was welcoming along with the scent of.... food.

My mouth almost watered at the smell and I had to fight myself from rushing towards it. Then I almost let out a yelp when a shout was heard.

"Gaara? Is that you?" The voice held a feminine tone to it. Then that's when the female was within my sight. Her dark eyes landed on me first and then slowly traveled to Gaara's appearance. I didn't know what confused her more. Me along with Gaara's shirt.... or Gaara shirtless with a girl.

"Gaara..... what's going on?" She had her hand placed on her hips but she didn't stop the smile that spread across her face. "A girl?"

Another voice was heard, this one of a male. "Did someone just say girl?" That's when the male bounced in. His hands within the pockets of his dark suit that had a hood with cat ears attached. His face was painted with weird red markings. "Eh, I call dibs"

His eyes look me up and down and I had to fight the growl that caught in my throat. The female smacked him across the back of his head. "You don't just go around claiming girls. Besides Gaara is the one that brought her, you idiot." She barked at him sharply and I was grateful there was a female here.

"Um is it possible for me to clean up? The lake isn't as clean as I would like."

I glance at the female and noticed how her blonde hair was put in four pony-tails. Her bangs parted in the middle. She nods her head. "Of course, I understand your words. It's not like your a prisoner or anything, go right ahead."

I glance at Gaara when she brought up the word 'prisoner' and how little did she know. But Gaara didn't object so I followed the female (Temari) as she led me to the room. She gave me a kind smile as she showed me to a clean room that held a shower along with a toilet.

"Everything you need will be here, I'll see if I can find something to fit you. And when your clean up, I can get a bowl of ramen ready."

I nod as I return the smile. "Thank you for your help."

She laughs lightly, "No problem at all." Then she was gone.

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