The Awaking Demon

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Chapter 3

I take in my sister's position. Her right foot in front of her left as her left hand was behind her.

Her muscles tense and her senses aware, exactly how I taught her. My position was different, because it was only comfortable for me.

We had abandoned our battle kimonos by the tree and now was dressed in our chainmail suit. Our cheap chainmail shorts and shirt was what we practiced with, until we can afford the more efficient kind.

"Come at me sister" A gentle smirk formed by my lips as I get ready for action. Yuki started towards me at quick speed but before she even reached me, she changes course.

She veered to the left as she flips down doing a sudden hand stand while twisting her hips. Kicking her legs out at my side.

I watch her slightest movements as I grab her legs and throws her over me. This use to send her flying until she crashed into the grass.

But this time she knew better. As she went flying over me, she grabs my right shoulder and swing herself around. In mid-swing she aims her knee at my gut.

I grab her knee and suddenly jerk it to the side, avoiding the impact as she is sent to the ground.

Instead of falling, she did a back-hand spring while throwing three kunai at me while in mid-flip.

I easily deflected them with my own kunai and sent them flying back at her when she just landed on her feet.

Her face showing surprise but only for a quick second. I still noticed though.

She dove to the right as her body slid across the ground. Dodging the kunai as they imbed into the tree that was behind her before she moved.

When she attempt to stand, I was already there holding a kunai as I stand apon her.

She holds her hands up, "I give! I give! I'm hungry."

I Laugh as I help her to her feet. "Fine princess, get ready to walk home."

She lets out a groan as she takes off running, three kunai still in her hand.

"Slow down before you hurt yourself." I yelled after her. But it was too late...

She already had fallen and a yelp was heard. My face turn pale as I raced to her side. Giving her a check over as I see that a kunai only scraped her leg. A few beads of blood trickled down her skin.

I breath a sigh of relieve, it could have been so much worse.

After doctoring her up a little, I soon was giving her a piggy-back ride home. She lets out a giggle, announcing that she was fine.

"Was this an act to keep you from waking home?" I joked to her.

She shakes her head. "No not at all. Although I can't complain about not having to walk."

A smile appears on her face as the house was in view. But that smile quickly vanishes when mother walks out with an angry look.

Arms crossed over her chest as she glare at us. Hinting that we was in big trouble.

When we finally got to the porch, the lecture already started. But only Yuki's name was brought up.

"Are you really going to be as immature as the girl?! I mean, who do you think you are when you don't listen to me?"

Yuki's face flushed as she marches into the house after dismounting me. "How do you expect me to pass Chunin when you won't even let me leave the house to train? What are you so afraid of?!"

Mother roars out in rage. "I'm afraid you'll become like that! I can't let that happen."

My face pales when her finger points at me. I couldn't even utter a word as I was being treated like an animal.

"Your calling me immature? When your disowning your daughter right in front of her? There's nothing wrong with her! She has always been there for me when you was gone! She deserves more then you do!"

"Get to your room! That is not my child! That is a monster and never has it been a child to me. Stay away from it before it hurts you!"

Tears stain my cheeks as I just stand there in shock. I can't stand this anymore!

"At least my SISTER doesn't hurt me. It's you who is the monster! Your the one that hurts both of us everyday! I wish she was my mother and not you!!"

Mother couldn't stand it no more. She went to grab Yuki's arm and pushed her.

"Shut your mouth! You are MY daughter and you will learn to behave!"

Yuki crashes into the wooden table. Her head smacking the edge of the table. Her body collapsing to the floor.

I froze, my mouth open in a silent gasp.
Mother didn't react as quickly. "Yuki? Get up now. Do you hear me? No more games."

Mother's words, I couldn't even hear them anymore. A loud ringing has entered my ears as I kneel down beside me beloved sister.

I place my hand behind her head, hugging her to my chest. Blood has already created a pool under her and now my hands was stained with it.

"Get away from her... Don't touch her!" Mother's words pierces me like a dagger.

A sob escapes my lips as tears fall from my eyes. Mixing with the blood of my sister.

"She's dead.... it's all your fault.... You killed her! Your the monster!"

My voice much sharper then her daggers. I begin to rock back and forth as I cried. Mother stood shocked for a moment. Then she roughly grabs my arm and yank.

But I wasn't going to let this happen. Something snapped inside of me.

Then suddenly everything was red. The whole room erupted into flames, but I wasn't harmed.

I glare up at the woman before me. The one that has taken the only thing that was important in my life. The thing that I was suppose to protect, to love.

The someone that actually understood me, and now this woman took her away.

Mother's face turn so pale that I thought she was now a ghost. Then a scream rips from her throat as flames devoured her.

I watch with cold eyes as she withers and jerk around. My face no longer holding expression... but utterly blank.

Soon mother was a pile of ash along with with the house. Only my sister that I was holding, and I, was not touched by the flames.

And that night I gathered my gear that I left at the cherry tree. I buried my sister under that tree... along with her gear. But there was one thing of hers that I kept. I tucked away a silver chain choker.

Then when she was finally lain to rest.... I fall to my knees. Screaming out to the night as pain erupts within me. My body burning as my bones snaps and twists. Until I become the monster mother always called me.

The demon that was part of me. And I thirsted for blood. Hate tore at me.

My heart, I had given it to my sister. And now it was laying under the dirt with her.

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