Wet Nightmares

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Chapter 10

The warm water ran down my skin like magic. The feeling was so nice and different from lake water. Steam circled in the air, making my face flush with heat. I ran my fingers through my hair after washing it, untangling the mass of tangles. My skin was now squeaky clean and the smell of peppermint radiated off of me.

When I was finished, I turn the handle. the water stopped and now the adventure of showering was over. I grabbed the towel that I hung above me, using it to dry my hair and give my body a good run over.

Then wrapping the towel around my body, I stepped outside the shower. Then I paused, eyes widen like a deer caught in headlight. Gaara was leaning against the door, his arms crossed.

At first he had his head back with his eyes closed, but now his attention was on me. My cheeks must of resembled red cherries. I let a low growl ripple from my throat. "Haven't you heard of privacy?!"

"Making sure you didn't try to go through the window." his words was quick and clear. My eyes wander to the window at the end of the room. I actually didn't think about that, but now that he mentions it....

"Trust me, if I'm offered a bowl of ramen then the thought of escaping would have to be on hold." I snapped my words at him.

He just shrugs his shoulders and I stomped up to him. "May I leave this room?" My words was far from kind.

He tilts his head at me, then side stepped out of my way. Then I stomped from the room making my way to the kitchen. That was when a huge towering shadow fell on me. I let out a scream when I felt claws digging into my chest and I instantly forgot my towel. I was struggling for my life. Fighting away the fat cat that decided to attack me.

"Get off me! I'll skin you alive!"

The car only answered with yawls and refused to let go. I was fighting for my life when Kankoru finally walked in to see what was up. "What the hell is going on...."

He paused as his eyes raked over my uncovered body. He yelled out as his hands quickly covered his eyes. "Temari!!! We have a situation here!!! Get over here now!!"

Temari rushed in to see me batting the cat trying to throw it off as I snarl viciously at it and Kankoru covering his eyes with blood running from his nose.

"Bad Fluffy bad." She rushed to me as she grabbed the cats paws. Detaching them from my tender skin. I couldn't stop the endless thankyous that instantly came flowing from my mouth.

The cat hisses at me and I answered with another growl. "What has gotten into you Fluffy? That's not how you welcome guests." Temari glances at me and covers her mouth. "Im so sorry about that. I'll hurry up and bring you some clothes. I'll put Fluffy outside while your here."

I nod my head thankfully as I whimper from my red tinted chest. Then Kankuro peeked out from his fingers. "Can I look now?"

"What are you still doing in here you perv!" I snatched my towel back around me and went to where Temari left to. Leaving the cowering Kankuro behind.

Soon I had a black kimono wrapped around me. One of Temari's which she didn't really care for. It was plain with a red middle piece. She had helped me by tying the back and soon made me a bowl of ramen. I quickly devoured the food and thanked her once again. Then she was about to welcome me to sleeping in her room when Gaara stopped her.

"She's sleeping in my room."

Kankoru sputtered as he almost lost his mouth full of ramen. My mouth was left open in a surprised oh~

Not this again....

"She's gonna be more comfortable of she was sleeping by another of her gender Gaara."

He narrowed his eyes at her and she took a step back. I didn't understand the siblings history, but I could see that they feared Gaara. Maybe I should be more careful after all.

"She's going to be under my watch." Then he was finished. Temari shook her head but wasn't going to argue any further. I was lead to Gaara's room and knew that if I run, his sand would catch me.

We enter a dim lighted room. It was plain with nothing special about it. There was a bed in the corner near the window. It was neither too small or too big. A red blanket was neatly placed along with two matching pillows. I glance around wondering where I would sleep, since there was only one bed.

Then my question was answered when Gaara went to lay on the carpet. No pillow.... no blanket. I was surprised that he was letting me use the bed. "I can sleep on the floor, can't be much different from trees."

He continued to stare up at the ceiling, his arms crossed over his chest. At first I didn't think he would answer. "No," Was all he said.

I huff as I rolled onto the bed. It was something I wasn't even use to. The soft cushioning was a big surprise to me. I couldn't remember the last time I slept in a bed. Except at home.....

A pain stabbed at my heart when the terrible memories tried to shake free. It wasn't safe to think about them. It hurt too much. I glance down at Gaara as he still was staring up.

"At less take this. there's two of them anyways." I toss him a pillow which he caught easily. He glances up to me and nods his head while placing it under. Then I turned to the side as my arms was placed under my own pillow. Then sleep easily took me away.

It didn't take long for me to wake up in cold sweat. My body was trembling from my previous nightmare. I was being burned alive but it seemed as if the fire wouldn't consume me. So that I could be burned for eternity, suffering from my agony pain. I was sitting up with my knees brought to my chest.

Trying to calm my fast breathing, I soon realized that the room was filled with a shriek. I jumped up quickly and my eyes landed on Gaara, who was shaking badly. His face was also covered in cold sweat as I could easily smell the fear pulsing from him. His hand clinched at his chest where his heart was positioned underneath.

The sight was a tear that tore at my own heart. He looked as if he was suffering from great pain or loss. He was also suffering from a nightmare almost like I did, except his seemed worse.

I quickly dropped down to a kneeling position as I desperately shook him. Trying my best to wake him from this nightmare. That was when he bolted up, the sudden move knocked me to the ground. His eyes was wide when they locked on me and his lips curled as he let out a growl. He approached me while still in a crawling position and I let out a gasp as I saw. His eyes was not sea blue anymore. They was black with a strange yellow pupil.

I crab crawled away from him, scared of what was happening. I wanted as much distance between us as possible, but I couldn't remove my eyes from his. Soon he had me backed up against the wall and I couldn't do anything.

He was so close to me now. His breath on my face as he let out another growl. His teeth now sharpened to points and I lean back. "Gaara... what's going on?" My voice shook as I questioned him. He didn't even pay attention to my words. His right hand hid the wall beside my face, causing me to flinch. He left his hand there, his arm making sure I didn't bolt for the door.

Then suddenly it snapped. My insides was on fire as I realized in shock. My inner demon was awakened.....

~~Lol nice name for this chapter right?? The dirty minds here might notice what I mean. Again I hope you guys enjoy and stay for the rest of the story. What will happen if two powerful beasts meet?? Will there be competition or will they help each other control themselves? One way to find out. Also please comment KITTENS if your a K-project fan. Because I'll soon have a surprise for you K-project fans~~

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