Three Miserable Years Later

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Chapter 7

It's been three messed up years.... Running around while having anbu ninjas at my tail, literally at my tail.

Over the years I've experienced changes. Thirst for blood and battle, changes of the eyes, two fluffy ears and tail. All of the above is difficult to hide, which makes me an easy target. Yippie!

I seriously couldn't get a break, My lack of sleep is no longer a weakness, but my hunger is. There's been times when I came across groups of rouge but I never lasted that long within them. They would either be easily killed by my hunters, or they notice how dangerous I am around them.

So here I am once again, running for my life or fighting for it. But this time I noticed something different about my tracker. This person was faster, and more sneaky. I haven't even caught a glimpse of this person and fear that I may be imagining things. My sleep deprivation is making me go on a chase with a invisible enemy. Or so I've begin to think.

When night was almost over, I decide to take a break. If I'm right and there is no one even following me, then it wouldn't hurt to rest. And rest is what I really need.

After stopping at a spot near a wide oak tree with a small, cold spring nearby. I pull out a small sliver of jerky I had received from the last group I departed from. The taste blossoms within my mouth and wish I had spare, but unlucky me, I didn't. Then making sure to cover my tracks, I climb up the big oak until I found a large strong branch a good ways away from the ground. The branch was plenty to hold my slim figure and leaves to shield me.

I then got within a comfy position while making sure I wouldn't manage to roll and tumble down if I so happen to try. It didn't take long for sleep to overpower me, and everything was silent.

It didn't take long for the shuffling of leaves above to wake me. I didn't have time to yawn or stretch, I was back alert as I slowly wake and stay silent in my spot. My eyes turn to the branches above as more leaves ruffle. My body tense slightly and I was about to bolt when I see a chipmunk poke his little head out. Black beady eyes glance down at me with curiosity and I couldn't stop the sigh of relief that left my lips.

That sign of relief didn't last long though. I then felt strong arms wrap around my body, encaging my arms as I instantly start to struggle. I grit my teeth as I jerk my body to the side. Causing both of us to topple off the branch.

Ok so I was right and wrong, someone had been following me after all. The stranger landed softly to his feet, as I of course planted face to the ground. Well I would have if I wasn't caught... by a cradle of sand...

My head was spinning and I silently cursed myself for being so clumsy. Then the sand went to wrap around my body, slightly tight to keep me within. Ok so this sand was going to be a problem, and where did it even come from. I'm in a forest for crying out loud!!!

I struggle and jerk here and there. Until my capturer was walking up before me. "Let me go! Who are you and what do you want from me!" My voice was bitter cold as I shout at him.

Then my movement suddenly stopped. My eyes wide as my mouth falls open to a small oh~

The striking ocean blue eyes and the hair of flaming red that reminded me of blood. This male before me, I saw him before. I remember his face and the look he gave me last time. I struggle to not melt before him, struggled to stay strong.

Then his voice reached my ears like lace. Others would think something was wrong with me. Kami... what have I became.

"I'm Gaara, ninja from the Sand. I've been sent for your execution."

I was imagining to myself, wondering if it was possible for someone to be anymore perfect. Then the word "execution" finally got my attention.

"Wait what!"

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