My Sexy Capturer

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Chapter 8

"You have slain people in cold blood, now it's time for your blood to be spilt. Do you have anything to say?"

His words was like a blow to my face. The world was being so cruel, having my mystery boy deliver my death. I kept my mouth sealed, not trusting what words that might come out. He then nods his hand and flexed his fingers.

I felt the sand around me tighten, squeezing my slim body as if to soon crush it. My eyes tighten close and I grit my teeth. Before I even knew that words left my mouth, I spoke.

"I didn't have a choice. I was forced to do what I did."

Gaara raised an invisible eyebrow. The crushing pressure has lightened and I quickly sucked in a breath. He waited for me to continue and I wondered how I was going to say this. How would he believe that I have a demon within me? Did he see it that last time we met?

"I have these urges no matter how much I fight back. A demon within me makes me do bad things."

Gaara still didn't move, no words escaped his lips. His eyes staring at me as if he could tell if my words was true or false. Then his eyes moves to look at the sky as if in thought.

That was when I heard the kunai flying towards us, cough cough, aimed at me actually.

Five kunais struck the sand prison I was in, way to close to my liking. Then everything was in action, well except me.

Gaara summoned more sand from his gourd and sent it to the attackers which so happened to be a group of rouge savages. And I was squirming trying to get out. "I can help, just get me out of this thing."

He ignored my words as he easily wiped the ninjas out. And I was left in awe. Then the sand finally released me and I was so surprised I would have had a great fall, until Gaara caught me in his arms.

I was blushing light crazy as he took off in super ninja speed. Then it dawned that I was suppose to be killed by his hand. I shove my hands up. "Hold on! Why did you just save me? I thought I was suppose to be dead?!

I soon realized that one of my hands hit Gaara in the face, which was also protected by his sand thank goodness. I was so embarrassed, my face was soon hidden with my hands and I didn't let another word peep.

I parted a few of my fingers just enough for my red eyes to peek out. My glaze looking up at the boy. Gaara's face was so calm and emotionless, reminding me so much of myself when my demon is awaken. But my demon has been quiet for a long time and the thought of it awaking scared me.

My face heated up when I realize that Gaara's eyes was now directed to me. We made eye contact and neither of us looked away. Until the weakling me who was about to have a panic attack, finally hid my face again. That's how I stayed the rest of the time also.

~~I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic of mine. Of course updates will be slow due to no wifi most of the time. But I'm trying my best to make more chapters each day to post later on. Usually before I go to bed if when I do it if I'm not too tired. Oh and comment of you think the picture above ^ is HOT HOT HOT. I sure do.~~

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