Chapter Sixteen: Leaving

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After that we had some breakfast and made sure the shades were securely shut, because today was sunny. During breakfast we discussed what we had to do next, and it looked like we were skipping town. So that day we had to pack up and get ready to leave. That gave me plenty of time to figure out what had made Nick so furious. I noticed that his style had changed, he wore mostly sweatpants now instead of his punk rocker jeans and a MCR T-shirt.

When I questioned him about it he said that he just wanted to wear something more comfortable. But he just looked outright sad all the time. He wouldn't tell me anything though, every question he rebuffed. I helped him pack and then helped Thorn and Naoki pack next. By nightfall we were done and ready to go. Thorn had a car and it was loaded to the brim by the time we were ready to leave.

But we ran into a small problem when we opened the garage door. My parents were sitting on the porch with all their lights on. We all cursed under our breath. The car was full so I couldn't hide, so we decided to see if we could wait them out, but after a few hours they didn't budge. Thorn decided to just have me wear a sweat shirt or something so that they couldn't see my face. We went with his Idea.

I had on one of Thorn's baggy sweatshirt on with the hood up. I was put in the backseat and we were pulling out of the driveway in no time. But as soon as we reached the street Thorn looked through the side window and cursed. My parents were making their way to his car. I made the mistake of looking their way. My dad spotted me and broke into a flat out sprint.

My mom pulling out her phone and dialing in a number. Thorn then floored it, speeding down the street. My father jumping into his car now and tearing after us. It was just one problem after another wasn't it? We turned out of the neighborhood and headed for the highway. I guess my dad figured that out because he sped up to the point of almost ramming into us. He tapped our bumper, sending Thorn into a series of curses and almost a tailspin.

On various occasions of the chase I told them to leave me, but Thorn would have none of that. We kept driving and my dad kept chasing. We were pushing ninety when the cops started chasing us too. My dad pulled over to tell them what was going on. That gave us an advantage on time and we were able to ditch our car, we grabbed only the necessities and headed into the woods on the other side of the highway. The trees blocked the moon light. It was hard to see, until the red and blue lights shone through the woods.

We kept running and running. Thorn said that he herd the footsteps of the police officers and that we had to keep moving. It seemed like hours but we lost those guys eventually. Or so we thought. We sat down to rest when the sound of a megaphone turning on found our ears.

"Please, let my daughter go. We have thought that she was dead for the past month, I just want her to be with her family. I just need to have my daughter back. Please, there will be no charges against you, just please give her back." When no one answered he continued.

"She is probably scared out of her mind. Please let her go. I don't know what you plan to do but I'm sure it doesn't involve her. I don't want to have to turn this into a manhunt. Please" We waited a while and the sound of the megaphone went off and the chasing started again.

"Thorn, if I go you will be okay the police won't be on you."
"We both know that's a lie and I would not be okay if you left." He stopped me and gave me a quick kiss. And smiled

"I would not be okay because Ally Constantine, I love you." Then we started running again. He told me he loved me. It might not have been in the best conditions ever, but it was the best thing anyone had ever said to me. If we had to run forever, that's okay. If I would never see my parents again, I would be sad but I would at least have the seventeen years of memories to comfort me. I would stay with Thorn because he loved me for who I was, what I was, even if that meant comforting me after a nightmare or putting up with my bad jokes. He loved me and I loved him and that was all that matters.

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