Chapter Twenty-Six: Getting to Know Each Other

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I awoke to Anna shaking me awake, tears in her eyes. I jumped up, taking in my surrounding. White walls, padded with foam surrounded us. I looked down to see that instead of Thorn's sweat pants and shirt, I was wearing white scrubs, like the kind you would find in mental hospitals, definitely not my style. Anna was wearing the same clothes, but her hair was straight, instead of in the messy bun it had once been in.

It didn't have the curl either, just straight. Kind of strange that whoever did this would go through all of that trouble. Anna noticed I was staring.

"What is this? Why are we here?" she started sobbing now. I went over to her and put a reassuring hand on her back. She looked at me, eyes pink and puffy.

"Why are you being so nice to me after I got us all captured by these freaking psycho douchebags?"

"Look, Anna. You weren't working with these people, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"You ran into the woods to get away from us, right?"

"Yes but-"

"And you didn't know that those guys were out there, correct?"

"Correct but-"

"Then it wasn't your fault. I understand that you were trying to get away because we took you, which by the way wasn't the original plan, and ran into the woods for refuge. I get it." She thanked me and leaned against one of the walls. The door was on the opposite wall. It had a slot that could open and one you could look through.

To be honest there was only two places we could be. In an actual hospital or the With the Apsis.

"I know what you're thinking, but we're not in an actual hospital. They would never put two patients in the same room. Or at least a room like this."

"Oh so you can read thoughts too?" she gave me a glare but it was gone before she actually meant it. Most likely her defense mechanism.

"No, I skipped a few grades. A bit smarter than your average human, but definitely human." We sat in silence for a while, then I decided that if we were going to be bunking buddies then I wanted to get to know her better.

"Why do you hate being called honey and sweetheart, and princess?" she shrugged and said

"It's demeaning. It's like calling anyone who plays a sport a jock or anyone who wears dark makeup 'goth' or 'emo'. It's a title that assumes women are a weaker race." Consider my mind blown at that point. I guess I really never thought about it like that.

"Ok, well since we are going to be spending a bit more time with each other than planned let me formally introduce myself. I am Allison Constantine, but I prefer to be called Ally. My boyfriend is Thorn, my favorite color is purple and I am friends with a werewolf and half- demon." I held out my hand, and she laughed but took it anyway.

"I am Anna Rosen, you may call me Anna or your majesty, which ever you prefer. I have no boyfriend, and never have I had a boyfriend, my favorite color is dark red and I hope to be friends with a phoenix, vampire, werewolf, and ,I think I'm pushing my luck here, but maybe a half-demon."

The next second the door opened and a man wearing a guards uniform entered.

"You two up now." I looked at him for a moment, which caused him to grab my arm and Anna's and drag us out of the small door. There were more of them waiting for us outside. Each holding what I hoped was a tranquilizer gun. We were marched down a long corridor that was bleach white until we reached another door.

The guy that had gotten us before opened it while another guard shoved us through. I stumbled in followed by Anna. The room consisted of three dentist looking chairs and someone wearing a lab coat over by a counter filled with various things. When I turned to the door again, I found that there was no handle. I cursed, and headed over to the guy. Time to put that Basic training to good use.

Anna followed in suit behind me. The man was fat and bald from what I could tell from behind. When I was a few feet away he turned around to see that he was holding a Taser, the kind that you can shoot.

"Now girlies, are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way." He motioned to the gun-Taser-thingy, a sickly smile spreading across his bulging face. Choices, choices. But before I could decide Anna stepped out from behind me and headed toward the guy. His smile faded, he wasn't expecting that, but that didn't keep him from pulling the trigger. The two wires leaped from their holding place and reached for her.

She almost ducked, but the wires brushed her shoulder, causing her to scream in pain, but she kept going. I tried to move next to her but my feet stood in place, my legs wouldn't work. Anna was winning the battle, slowly making their way towards him. She called put for me but my legs still would not move. She made the mistake of looking back at me, which gave the man enough time to get the Taser back together and pull the trigger once more. This time she didn't know it was coming.

Hit her full force in the chest, the charge ripping through her in spasms. I again tried to move, but with sadly no avail. The door opened and the guards came in and collected her still shaking body, and left, leaving me as still as a statue.

"Well, well. She is a naughty one, isn't she?" The fat man taunted. "Sit" he commanded. Before I could do anything, my legs acted on his command, pulling me towards the nearest chair and plopping me down in it.

"What did you do to me?!" I screeched, now in full control of my voice.

"Quiet, or I'll cut of your tongue" he sang. My jaw clamped shut. How was he doing this? I wasn't a robot (or at least I hoped not. Being a phoenix was shock enough and I couldn't bear another ride on the crazy train.). So what was it?

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