Chapter 20: Return of the Uncle

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Naoki came back around nightfall, almost right when Thorn woke up. While we were eating Thorn dropped the big bomb on all of us.

"We have to go to my uncle." Everyone stopped eating and looked at him.


"We need to go to my uncle, he'll keep us safe until this kidnapping thing blows over"

"Do you even know where he is?"

"Yeah, he's the next state over, sitting in his house waiting for us. I called him last night."

"Are you sure it's safe?" he nodded and took a swig from his blood bottle. So going back to the guy who broke into my house, sweet.


We left that night, but I am afraid to say my dreamless sleep didn't last. I had a nightmare, similar to the one I had before. Waking up in the hospital room, trying to escape only to be tortured by the British guy. I was shaken awake by Naoki.

"You were crying. Another nightmare?" I nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head. These nightmares were getting out of control. What if we were hiding from someone and I accidently drifted off, only to start crying or screaming or asking for someone to 'please let me out'. I stayed awake for the rest of the ride, driving every so often to let whoever was driving a rest.

Other than a few pit stops, we never stopped again. After a little less than a day we made to his house. It was night when we got there so Thorn could walk up without a jacket over his head.

He knocked on the door. A figure came to the door and looked through the peephole. His house wasn't big, or small. It was just a regular house, but instead of a suburb it was in the backwoods. That helped for an easy escape, if necessary. His uncle opened the door and motioned for us to come in. His house was practically bare just like Thorn's place.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't a little run away and his friends."

"You've seen the news?"

"Yes, it seems as if you kidnapped your girlfriend here." He folded his arms. "Your father is on his way here."

"What?" he looked at his uncle, as if he had just announced that his father was coming to kill him.

"When you called me I called your father, it was my duty as his brother." Thorn began wringing his hands and pacing, which was not a good sign. His uncle glanced outside and said

"If you're contemplating escape it's too late." We all looked outside to see a silver Mercedes pulling up. A tall man jumped out of the car and ran to the door. He looked about twenty-five but I knew better. That was Thorn's dad, they looked a lot alike. They had the same color hair and skin but different colored eyes. His father's eyes were blue, while his were brown. The angle in their jawline were different, but otherwise, they looked alike.

His father burst through the door, his gaze finding his son. His eyes shone with tears, his son not returning the look.

"Thorn, my son." He pulled his son into a hug Thorn didn't return but stiffly endured. When he let go Thorn came by my side and took my hand I gave his a reassuring squeeze. His father looked from our hands to me and then to his son.

"Are you a Vampire?" he asked me. I shook my head.

"She's a Phoenix." Thorn said. His father's gaze studied me intently, wondering if I was worthy of his son.

"Those are really rare. What of your parents?" His gaze still directed at me.

"I'm not sure. The people who raised me are not Phoenixes so I'm pretty sure I was adopted." I replied. His gaze turned to his son.

"Thorn you and I need to talk."

"No we don't." His grip tightened around my hand.

"Son, yes we do. You ran away, left your mother and me for what? So you could get a girlfriend, who's not even a vampire? Live with a werewolf and Demon?"

Nick muttered "Only Half" But his father waved him off.

"So yes, we need to talk." Thorn looked at his uncle.

"You can't stay here unless you talk to him."

He looked to me. "If you don't want to we can go." He shook his head.

"Fine dad you want to talk? Let's talk." They were led away by his uncle to a room. Thorn's dad whispered a thanks and closed the door behind him. Then we were left alone with good ol' Uncle Christian.

"Well while we're waiting for that bit of business to be done, let me show you your rooms."


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