Chapter Five: A New Encounter

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I woke up the next day stomach growling. After some mid-afternoon breakfast, I did some "research" on werewolves, but I learned nothing new. Groaning in frustration I closed my laptop, and decided to do something a little more enjoyable. I grabbed my skateboard left the house, I think a few Ollies would clear my mind. A few minutes later the half pipes came into view along with the really talented skaters who were flipping in the air.

I practiced but I was never that good. I dropped into the deep pipe and did a few tricks, fell a lot, and did some more tricks. About forty-five minutes in I decided to take a break and grab some water. I passed by some jocks who taunting this other kid who wasn't giving into their childish ploys. But suddenly one of the broods got angry and punched him in the face.  I knew I wasn't going to let that poor kid take some jarhead's anger. Before he could throw another punch I stepped in front of the kid and stared at the one who seemed to be the leader.

"You got a death wish?" He asked his expression infuriated.

"Nope, but I'm guessing you don't either" I said, not really confident in my fighting ability.

"Come on princess, get out of the way or I'll smash your head in too!" He said holding up his fist.

"OH I am so scared" I said in a dull voice

Just as a police squad car rounded the corner.

"Oh look here comes the police." I got up on the picnic table and waved my arms in the air to get their attention. That made them scatter.

I hopped down from the table and helped the boy on the floor up. He had shaggy brown hair with blonde shots through it, he brushed dirt off of his purple jeans and wiped blood away from his mouth and sat down.

"Are you ok?" I inquired

"Thanks for not letting those jerks beat me to a pulp but I don't need you to baby me." He retaliated.

"Well then I won't. How about I just walk you home?'' I negotiated

"I really don't have a home to go to" he laughed, as if it was no big deal. But i could see that it was. He looked like he'd been through so much. 

"What do you mean?"

" I got kicked out. I guess parents don't appreciate when you accidently set the porch on fire"

"Well how about this, if you want you can come over to my house for a little bit, maybe we can find someone to help you." he nodded his head and we took off to my house leaving the skate park behind. His name was Nicholas but asked me to call him Nick.

When we got to my house, we called one of his aunts. She said she would come and pick him up in a few hours. We sat and watched a few movies. In an hour or so the doorbell rang but instead of his aunt Thorn and Naoki stood there, both soaked because it had started raining.

" Get in here! It is pouring outside, let me get you two towels, you must be freezing" I nagged.

He stepped inside and Naoki following in suit. I ran upstairs and grabbed two towels from the hall closet only to hear a shout and a grunt of pain from downstairs. I raced downstairs to find Thorn and Nick both lying on the ground clutching their stomachs as if they had both been punched. Naoki standing there with his hands up.

"What the hell?" I screamed

Thorn got up and rasped "He hit first"

"Oh real mature, I invited him over first" I ran over to help Nick up but he waved me off and got himself up. He tried to shield his face from me but I saw. His eyes were glowing red.

"Uh... Nick. Is there something that you would like to tell me" I asked

"He's a demon" Thorn answered

"I am only half!" he defended "And you're a Blood sucker! Not much better are you?"

I sat down and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You know my life used to be normal, I used to just be boring"

Thorn walked over and sat down next to me, when I looked I could see him glowering at Nick who now sat across from him.

"Ok, so what is your deal with him?" I demanded

"He is a demon! Does that not register with you?"

"I do not base people off of what they can't control. I didn't judge you when you told me you were a vampire"

"But... That... that's different!"


Then the doorbell rang again, this time it was the his Aunt. She took Nick home not before giving me a really hard look. I waved it off and as soon as the door closed I walked over to Thorn about how discretion was a bad and he was no longer going to Judge those of different supernatural upbringing. Wow. Never thought I'd think that before.

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