Chapter Seven:The Uncle

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I tried to close the door, but the man's hand was already propping it open. He was too strong for me to close the door on him so I stepped back and stood in front of him.

" I know he's here, if you want to save your own puny life, get out of the damn way." He snarled.

"No" I stood my ground, he wasn't going to hurt anyone.

He let out a growl and grabbed my arm throwing me across the room. I only stopped when my head hit a table leg. The room started to swim in front of me but I forced myself to get up and yell "THORN! NAOKI! RUN!" I had to steady myself to keep from blacking out but I saw the vague figure of the man standing in front of me.

And if I was going to die then I was going to go out swinging.

I ran at him, throwing my hands around his waist, tackling him to the ground. He let out a yelp in surprise. While he was down I stumbled toward the kitchen, grabbed a knife and slid to the ground. My visions was already fading.

He stood up and gave a hearty laugh. "You know I like you. If you tell me where Thorn is I won't strip the skin from your bones. I'll kill you quickly"

"Sounds tempting but I think I'll have to pass." his smile disappeared, and he lunged. I scrambled out of the way and landed against the wall just in time for Thorn to come through the kitchen door his face twisted in anger.

I managed to say

"Thorn... You... Need... to ... leave. He's... Not...who... He says... he is."

Suddenly his anger melted away as the man stood up from knocking over the table.

"Uncle Christian?" Thorn said,

Then darkness enveloped my vision and I passed out.


I woke up in my bedroom, the back of my head throbbing. I sat up as the memories started flooding back into my mind as I remembered the man, and the fight, and Uncle Christian? I threw the sheets off and raced down the stairs into the kitchen. I expected, carnage, maybe the table would be in splinters. But the kitchen was clean, and I mean really, really clean. Someone had even put a vase out with a single rose on the island.

I stopped and began to look around. I tiptoed to the basement, and opened the door. I heard two men arguing. I didn't know who they were but I looked around for something that might pass for a weapon. The fire poker seemed promising.

I grabbed it and slowly opened the door. The whispers grew louder. I heard a little of the heated argument.

"-how could you betray me!" and

"Betray you I-"then the whispers faded again. I crept down the stairs trying not to evoke the ominous rage that the two held in their conversation. Slowly I made it to the very bottom of the stairs and just as I made it to the bottom the last step let out a loud squeal. The talking stopped as did my heart. Slowly but ever so surely one of the people walked over to the bottom of the stairs. My grip tightened on the poker and just as the person rounded the side, I took a good swing. And I would have broken a few bones if the man hadn't caught the poker. My weapon was ripped from my grasp and thrown to the floor. I was just about to be thrown across the room when the faintest bit of light hit the face of my attacker. It was Thorn.

"Thorn! Wait! Wait it's me!" His expression softened and then hardened again.

"What the hell Allison! I could've hurt you!" he shouted.

" I prefer to be called Ally." He snorted and then turned around holding me by the arm and led me to the person he was talking to. It was the man from the door. I quickly grabbed up the poker and began my way to give him a piece of my mind. But before I could Thorn grabbed the poker out of my hand. I scowled at him for taking the only weapon I had against this guy.

"Seriously? He just tried to kill me and come after you! He told me he ate my neighbor."

"I didn't eat your neighbor, just talked to them. I was trying to scare you so you would tell me where my nephew was! You insolent little-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look guy this isn't a way to solve a problem, so I will in fact solve it for you, Ally this is my Uncle Christian and Uncle Christian his is Ally. We are staying with her because the Apsis are in this town!" Thorn had a way of clearing up things fast. His Uncle's brow creased and he looked at his nephew concern in his eyes, then anger.

"Then what the hell are you still doing here!" he yelled. Thorn pulled a hand through his hair and mumbled something I couldn't recognize.

"Excuse me what did you say?" His uncle asked holding a hand to his ear.

Thorn's jaw set and he gave an uncle a look that could kill a man.

"I'm waiting." His Uncle Hurried. Thorn let out long sigh and said" Look I stayed because there was something worth staying for, and if you have a problem with that please, be my guest and leave! You draw more attention to yourself than any other Vampire I know, so do us all a favor and leave!"

Thorn took my arm and was about to lead me upstairs when his Uncle screeched "You ungrateful little fledgling! Your father is worried sick! But unfortunately he couldn't get away from council meetings to go and look for you when you decided to run away!" Thorn flinched at this but didn't look back.

He opened the door to reveal Naoki nursing a cup of water in his hands. He gave us both a quisitive look and asked "Did I miss something?"

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