Chapter Eight: Captured

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Just as we finished explaining what happened to Naoki, Thorn's Uncle came upstairs carrying a bag behind him.

"Fine if you want me to leave I will, just don't say I didn't warn you when you father decides to haul your ass back to Romania." With those words he walked out, slamming the door behind him, making Thorn wince. I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze he nodded to me and grabbed his bag beside the couch and started digging through it. I sat down beside him as his digging became more hurried and frantic. I took the bag from him and put a reassuring hand on his back at his head found his hands and we sat there in silence as the bitterness of the last few hours washed over us all.


After all that, breakfast was calling our names so we walked to the town's diner to grab some pancakes. The sky was cloudy so Thorn would be okay, we lived in Maine so it was cloudy all the time, thankfully for him. When we got there an older woman I'd never seen there before took our order. Not long after a plate of pancakes was set in front of me, strawberry in front of Thorn, and French toast for Naoki.

We laughed and joked hoping to lift Thorn's spirits. No one had mentioned the fact that he had run away rather than move out on his own. Both Naoki and I knew that subject was going to be touchy. But thoughts of the night before were drowned out by Naoki's jokes. He could make anyone smile. I was about to take another bite from my pancakes when throb. It was subtle at first but is soon became a piercing pain. Immediately I grabbed my head, trying to dim the pain. Thorn was suddenly by my side as I fell to the floor. I heard Thorn saying "Ally what's wrong?! What happened!?"

I tried to speak but no words came. I collapsed on the floor, unable to move or see, but I could hear. But I wish I didn't, the sound of Thorn screaming my name over and over again made my heart clench. Before long I heard sirens, and was then loaded onto a stretcher into some sort of vehicle that I could only assume I was an ambulance. Thorn saying he wanted to ride with me but the medical guy declined every time. Naoki was trying to pull Thorn away and from the grunt of pain it sounded as if Thorn punched Naoki. The next thing I knew was that the doors were being closed and the familiar hum of an engine filled the cab and I was being carted away to who-knows-where.


After enduring what seemed like an eternity of driving the ambulance stopped and the doors opened. I felt a prick in my arm, seconds later I jolted up eyes wide open to find myself staring at a man with salt and pepper hair holding a syringe in his hand. At that moment all my instincts kicked in and I was fighting to get out of that vehicle. I got out the doors only to be grabbed by a man with a mustache. I kicked and screamed, told him to let me go but he didn't relent. He carried me into a commercial looking building. Shortly I found myself sitting in a chair my hands and feet strapped down with leather bands. I looked up to find the salt and pepper haired man rubbing his jaw.

Whoops, guess I did a little damage. I looked around the dank and dark storage room and I noticed another chair just like mine not five feet away with a slumped figure covered in blood sitting in the chair. Then the horror struck me as I saw the blonde and brown hair plastered to the side of his face. It was Nick.

"Nick! NICK! WAKE UP!" Then another guy came in, this one with a mop of unruly dark hair and dressed in a jeans and white t-shirt, but I didn't care, I kept screaming for Nick to wake up. Then the mustache man came back with duct tape and put it over my mouth. I looked at the guy in jeans who seemed to be the one in charge and glared at him. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well I guess my first impression was not a good one" he had a British accent, sort of the rugged type. He pulled over a stool that mustache man had brought in and pulled over a table covered in a sheet. It was too small to have a body on it, but when he pulled off the covering all types sharp objects and needles glimmered maliciously in the dim light. My mind was racing with panic.

I kept my gaze stern and hopefully free from fear. The man picked up a scalpel and turned on his stool, not to me but to Nick, and jammed it in his leg. Nick screamed and his head shot up. His eyes were bright red and sparks were coming out of his fingertips. I screamed for them to stop, to do it to me instead, but my screams were muffled by the duct tape. Nick' screams continued for a few minutes and then the pain was too much and he passed out.

"See your Nicky isn't dead, just resting." The British guy said. A burning hatred rose to my face. When I got out of here I was going to kill him. I strained against my bonds, the leather already rubbng my skin raw. That's when he moved over to me, putting the bloody scalpel back on the small table.

He picked a syringe off the table and flicked it. A greenish liquid swirled around in it lazily. He then scooted over to my left side he lifted up the sleeve of my T-shirt. I was shaking now trying to avoid the prick of the needle. But my bonds only let me move so much and the needle went into arm. A few second I just sat there breathing heavily, and then it was as if someone had poured acid into my veins. My muffled screams now echoed into the small room. Agony washed over me in constant bitter waves, each more painful than the last. Finally my muffled screams died and I sat in an exhausted heap.

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it sweet heart." I was too tired to give him any sort of reaction, so I just sat there in silence on the verge of falling asleep when the leather straps were undone on both my chair and Nick's. I tried, I really did to escape but my arms and legs wouldn't move. I was lifted into someone's arms and carried to a cell. The sound of a key card and automated door opening filled my ears as I was dropped on the cold hard ground. A blanket a few inches away from me. I grabbed it and was asleep in seconds. Too exhausted to even look around and notice I was in the den of the Apsis.


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