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Sara settled back into the couch, a smile lingering on her lips after sharing the news about Chan. The weight in her chest felt lighter, like the entire world was suddenly more open, more vibrant. She was happy. But the thought of Chan asking her to be his girlfriend, and how he kissed her--kept replaying in her mind like the sweetest song on loop.

She glanced over at Taylor, who seemed unusually quiet now, her attention suddenly focused on the edge of the coffee table like it was the most interesting thing in the room. Sara raised an eyebrow. "Tay, you good? you seem a little off." Taylor glanced up quickly, her bright energy faltering just for a moment before she flashed a smile. "Oh I'm great. Just, uh, thinking about... you know, stuff." She waved her hand dismissively, trying to mask whatever it was that was clearly on her mind.

"Stuff?" Sara repeated, skeptical. "You sure? You're acting all... weird." "I'm not weird!" Taylor exclaimed, immediately leaning forward and sitting up straighter. "I'm just... processingeverything. You know, like... being happy for you and, uh, my own stuff." She added the last part a little too quickly, as if trying to distract Sara from what she was really thinking.

Sara studied her, a knowing grin forming on her face. "Wait a second. Is there someone you're not telling me about? and is that someone the person I'm thinking about?!" Taylor's eyes widened, her smile turning just a bit too forced. "What? NO. Of course not. And I'm always telling you everything." She gestured widly, as if emphasizing her complete transparency.

Sara didn't buy it for a second. "Okay, now you're definitely hiding something." She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes. "You've been acting all mysterious for the last couple of days. Don't think I didn't notice." Taylor cleared her throat, and for the first time since Sara walked in, she seemed a little nervous. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it, like she was choosing her words carefully.

Sara waited, still amused but also curious. Taylor was never one to hold anything back--unless it was something serious. " I'm not hiding anything important," Taylor finally said, her voice a little too light. "It's just... well, you know how I've been spending a lot of time with Joshua lately?" Sara's eyes lit up "Joshua? OH MY GOD--are you guys finally--"

"NO! No, no, no." Taylor interrupted, laughing nervously, her cheeks flushing bright red. "We're not anything. Not yet, at least. But I think... I might like him? Like more than just a 'funny cute guy I hang out with' thing. But I'm not sure. You know how I am. I get a little..." She trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

Sara leaned forward, completely intrigued. "Wait so you like Joshua? But you're not telling him? Or... you just don't know if you're into him like that?" Taylor ran a hand through her hair, her usual confidence wavering just a bit. "It's confusing okay? He's so goofy, but also like, sweet in his own way. He's always making me laugh, and I've noticed that when he looks at me... I feel all warm inside."

She let out a long sigh, sinking back into the couch. "But then, I'm like--am I just imagining it? Is he just messing around like he always does, or is he actually, you know... interested in me?" Sara smiled knowingly. "I see what's going on here. You're the one who's been pursuing him, aren't you?" Taylor blinked in surprise. "What? No. I--" she froze, realizing too late that she'd giver herself away. "Okay fine. Yes. I have been... a little forward. But hey, someone had to make the first move, right?" She threw her hands up, her face flushed.

"Besides, if I waited for Joshua to do something, we'd still be stuck in that awkward 'I don't know if we're friends or if there's more' stage." Sara leaned back, grinning widely. "So you're telling me that the Queen of Confidence is... nervous? About Joshua?" " STOP IT!" Taylor groaned, flopping back into the couch dramatically. "I am not nervous. I just don't know if it's something real. Like, what if he thinks I'm just another one of his 'friends' he can joke around with? Or worse, what of I'm reading everything wrong?"

Sara's expression softened as she reached over and patted Taylor's arm. "Tay, you're amazing, You know that, right? You have this energy that people just can't resist. And Joshua? He's just as goofy and sweet as you think he is. he's probably as unsure as you are, but he wouldn't be hanging out with you so much if he didn't want to get to know you better." Taylor chuckled, her nervous energy slowly melting away. " You really think so?"

"Of course!" Sara said with a knowing smile. "I mean, Chan literally asked me to be his girlfriend, and I still feel like i'm in a dream. So if I can pull it off, I have all the faith in the world that you can, too." Taylor gave Sara a side-eye. "You're really turning into this romantic guru all of the sudden. I though you were the 'I'm not good enough for anyone' type."

Sara rolled her eyes, but there was a softness in her gaze. "I was. But you've helped me realize that I'm worthy of it all. So if I can take a chance on something real, I'm pretty sure you can do the same." Taylor stared at her for a moment, processing her words. "You're right. You really are something else, Sara. I'm lucky to have you as my best friend."

Sara grinned, nudging Taylor playfully. "Same goes for me. But seriously, don't let Joshua off the hook. You've got this." "Yeah, yeah. I'll make my move when I'm ready. But no pressure." Taylor said with a wink. "And hey, if it doesn't work out with Joshua, at least I can still count on my best friend for emotional support."

Sara grinned. "Always. Now, go on and do something about him. I'll be here with the popcorn when you make your big move." Taylor laughed, grabbing a pillow and playfully tossing it at Sara's face. "Deal."


This chapter was, in fact, not short. LMAO

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