Chapter 11

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May, 2011; 19 yrs old; After Charlie

I was scrolling through Facebook just numbing my mind with people's senseless posts and horoscopes. I don't know why I even had a Facebook. I barely had any friends from high school, not that any of them had tried to contact me in the year that we've been graduated.

Just as I was about to log off and get on with my life, a little number 1 appeared in the message box taking me off guard. I clicked on it to see a message from Marissa Richards.

She was the daughter of my parent's friends but she went to a private school. I haven't seen her since about eighth grade so it was a shock that she contacted me.

Marissa: hey. u wanna get 2gether soon?

Lauren: Yeah, that'd be cool. Where do you wanna meet?

The next day, I saw Marissa walking up to the swings where I was sat waiting for her. She had on dark shorts with a low cut white t shirt that did nothing to conceal how large her breasts are. Her ashy brown hair came just below her shoulders and her dark brown doe eyes looked happy to see me. She handed me a strawberry smoothie. I thanked her and I was about to take a drink when she ordered me to wait while she sat on the swing beside me.

She took the drink from me and began to mix it with the banana smoothie that she had before handing me a self-mixed strawberry-banana smoothie.

"Cheaper." She explained, smiling and sipping at her drink.


"What do I do?" I groan, putting my head in my hands. I had just explained to Bill my feelings for Lauren and how I almost kissed her twice.

"Go for it!" Bill exclaims excitedly. I don't think I've ever seen Bill excited; only loudly depressed. "Love is an amazing thing! You have to make sure she knows how you feel! Do anything to get her because you're missing out, my friend."

"Uh.." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at his behavior, "are you okay?"

"Am I okay?!" He laughs and I'm scared he's going to jump on his desk and start dancing. "I'm better than okay, Maxie! I found her! The one you were talking about and she's absolutely incredible! She's a guardian just like you and man, she just takes my breath away."

I smile at my friend's enthusiasm. If I can't have the one I love, I'm glad he can.

"Awesome, buddy!" I cheer, clasping him in a hug. "You deserve it! Hey, why don't you apply to become a guardian?"

"Nah.." He waves his hand before his eyes light up. "You think I should?"

"Of course! It's fun! And you could spend more time with this woman of yours." I wink and nudge him in the side causing him to blush slightly.

"Okay, maybe I will." He nods, happily. "But you need to go get your girl, Maxie!" He urges before literally pushing me out the door. I have to quickly wrap my wings around my body before they're smashed.


How can one girl make serving coffee look so good? I wonder, leaning my elbows against the counter while I watch her serve customer after customer. Some people have simple orders and some have complex and she nails every single one of them; incredible.

I see her suddenly get a big smile on her face as she looks at the door and just as suddenly, my smile disappears. Ugh, what's he doing here?

"Ah, I see." She laughs, playing with his fingers.

"You will later." He winks and I can't take it anymore. A man, about mid 40s walks by and I stick out my foot causing him to spill his coffee all over Alex. Oops, I smirk to myself.

Wait. What have I done? I'm not mean! I supposed to help people not get coffee spilled on them!

Ugh, Lauren Price, the things you make me do.


August 18, 2015

"Oh my god, babe! Are you okay?" I grab a towel and hurry to the other side of the counter to try and clean him up. The man that spilled his coffee is apologizing profusely to Alex.

"No man, really it's cool." He waves off the apologies like he didn't have a scalding hot liquid dumped on him.

"You should probably go home, baby. I'll still see you at my place later?"

"Of course." He smiles, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in for a kiss.

After he leaves, I clean up what little coffee didn't get on Alex off of the floor before getting back to taking orders.

"Hey, Riley?" I ask my blonde colleague.

"Yeah?" She asks, putting the whipped cream on someone's frappé.

"Do you feel anything strange? Like you're being watched?" I question nonchalantly, leaning against the counter with my arms crossed.

"" She answers, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I take my phone out of my pocket and text Marissa asking her to come to the cafe when I'm on my break in just half an hour.

Sure, babe! B there soon :)

There was a considerable lack of customers so I sat at one of the tables and drank out of the latte I got with my discount.

"Hey, loser." Marissa greets me, flicking my messy bun before sitting across from me.

"Hey." I blow a spare piece of my bangs out of my face.

"So what's up?" She asks, seemingly concerned.

" you ever feel watched?" I whisper, hunching my shoulders.

"Um," she replies, running her finger around the rim of the coffee she apparently ordered before sitting with me, "yeah actually; a lot. Why?"

"I don't know. I just have a weird feeling that someone is watching me. Some guy tripped over nothing and spilled his coffee all over Alex not too long ago. It seriously looked like he tripped on something that was actually there. Do you think it could be a spirit or something?"

She laughs, "I highly doubt that."

I decide to change the subject by asking about the guy she was talking about in the park.

"Oh, he's great.." She trails off, looking out the window.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just..he's insanely good in bed." She practically shouts. "But he seriously just leaves as soon as we're done every single time. I mean, I know we said no strings attached but he's so hot and mysterious and I just want to really get to know him, you know?"

"I think you probably know more than enough." I mutter.

"What was that?"

"Oh, I asked what he looks like." I nod, trying not to look suspicious.

"Oh god, Lauren, he's super hot." She practically melted into a puddle in the chair in front of me.

"That tells me so much." I quip sarcastically.

"Well," she starts, looking at the ceiling with a smile on her face as she counts on her fingers, "he's over six feet, these amazing blue eyes, strong jawline, and this curly black hair I just never want to let go of."

No no no. It can't be.

She must notice the look on my face because she asks, "Whoa, why are you so pale? Are you sick?"

"Marissa.." I ask, shaking and not want to know her answer to what I'm about to ask, "what's this guy's name?"


*** BOOM

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