Jorney to Tempestas pt 1

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The group was getting ready to leave. The monastery was buzzing with packing.

"Does any one have room for my travel pillow", Jay yelled.

"I'm taking Toto for a walk before we leave", Stephany yelled.

Wu went and sat down on his bed the chicken walked up to him and bocked. He picked the chicken up and she pecked him.

"Yes I am a little worried. But I made Libber a promise", Wu said.

The chicken twitched her head.

Wu spoke "well I Gus's I am a little worried that Trixie is still alive but Stephany has her powers. She never had any children".

Stephany got back with Toto and was met with Zane.

"Good morning Stephany I'm glad Wu let you keep your dog", Zane said.

Stephany smiled and picked Toto up and Zane pet him. "You know I think Toto might need a color if he is going to live here".

Stephany nodded and Zane led her to the Samurai X cave where Pixal had a a metal carver. The two quickly got to work making Toto a color.

Jay finished packing his bag and walked out to the car they were taking. He went up to Ray and asked "do we have to take this car, Pixal has better ones we can take".

Ray put his hand on Jay's shoulder and said "we ant taking any chances".

Jay rolled his eyes and asked, "what is even out there I don't think there is any danger".

Ray looked at Jay and told him the story of Libber and Trixie.

"A long time ago right before you were born even before the hands of time. There was another threat to Ninjago. Her name was Trixie, the master of death. The First Spinjizu Master banished her to the dark island. But she grew angry and with her anger her powers became stronger. She then went state for the elemental masters. But Libber led a charge agent Trixie. As Trixie lost the battle Libber told her every lightning master will stop her and win every time. But this made her angry and she swore revenge".

Jay sat down and asked "so Trixie wanted to kill me so she can take over Ninjago? Is that why I was given to the Walkers to protect me from her"?

Ray nodded. Jay stood up and said "I won't let her take over even if it kills me".

The first day of the drive was long. They stopped at a gas station to get gas and stretch. Stephany put Toto's leash on him and walked him. When she was about to go back to the car she heard a vice call "Stephany".

"Hello is anyone there", Stephany asked.

There was no answer but there it was again, "Stephany".

Stephany dropped Toto's leash and walked words the voice. But little did she know the voice was leading her to a cliff. Toto pulled on the hem of her paints but she didn't respond. Toto ran to the car and barked madly for someone to help him.

Jay looked down at Toto and asked "what's wrong Toto where is Stephany"?

Toto kept barking at them and he ran to the cliff side. Kai, Nya, Jay, and Cole followed Toto where the saw Stephany about to walk off a cliff.

But they were to late Stephany walked right off the cliff and they heard a scream. But Stephany was caught by a rock. Cole had used his powers to save her. Jay jumped down and picked her up and handed her to Nya.

Nya set Stephany down and asked "What the Cursed Realm were you doing Stephany".

Stephany shook her head and looked around confused. "Nya.... Cole? What happened".

Wu ran to where they were and Cole carried Stephany to the car. Wu asked Cole "what happened to her".

Cole looked down and shrugged his shoulders. But Wu knew that Trixie had found them and they had to get Jay to Tempestas fast.

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