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Ronin tried to tie Jay up but Jay punched him in the face.

Ronin then grabbed Jay and put him in a chokehold! Jay stuck his finger in Ronin's eye. He screamed and dropped Jay that gave him enough time to yell for his friends.

Cole and Nya kicked down the door of Jay's room and ran to him. Ronin tried to get away but Cole picked him up.

"Ha take that Ronin", Jay laughed at him.

Ronin yelled "maybe I should take all of you to Trixie how about that".

Nya looked at him and asked "your working for Trixie"?

Ronin nodded and yelled "let me go Cole I need my money".

Cole scowled and tightened his grip.

The rest of the ninja, Libber, Ray, Maya, Wu, Garmadon, Pixal, Skylor, and Misako ran into the room.

Toto began to grow at Ronin.

Stephany demanded "Toto down boy heal. Who is this guy"? She then asked.

Jay told Stephany "that is Ronin a known crook".

"Hey no need to be mean Jay"! Ronin yelled.

"Shut it Ronin", Nya screamed.

Libber got a knife and heals it up to Ronin's throat and threatened "Okay Ronin I'm going to slit your throat and send your head on a platter to Trixie"!

"Mom", Jay yelled.

Kai put his hand on Jay's shoulder and told him "I agree with her. She did make a good point he is trying to Take you to the crazy lady who is trying to kill you"

"I know Kai but it feels kinda...", Jay trailed off.

Wu put a hand on Stephany's shoulder and whispered "Steph I think you should demonstrate your power on Ronin".

Stephany looked at him and said "you want me to kill him"?

Wu told her "well it's not really killing but putting him to sleep for a while".

Stephany nodded and walked over to Ronin and put her fans on his arm and her eyes began to glow. Strange words came from her mouth "Marcescet et marcescet Fatum hunc finem Frange has terrenas catenas Et liberabit spiritum".

"Wait what the hell are you doing stop", screamed Ronin!

Stephany continued calmly,
"Accipe quod laesum est Ne des eis misericordiam Flecte et confringe regna Et liberabit spiritum Spiritus gratis".

When Stephany stopped Ronin passed out.

"Is he okay", Zane asked?

Stephany said "yes he is only sleeping, I suggest you lock him up so he doesn't get back to Trixie".

Ray and Garmadon nodded to each other and dragged Ronin to go find a place to lock him up.

Libber went to check on Jay.

"Jay are you okay did he hurt you is that scar old or new", Libber frantically pressed.

Jay replied "mom, mom, I'm okay he didn't hurt me at all I'm okay trust me. Cole and Nya got here just in time I'm fine".

Libber sighed and stroked his cheek, "I just want you to make it past today".

"But I think we should have a little party make sure Jay is safe with the us and have a little cake", Cole said.

Libber nodded and Jay asked "hey if we are having a party can I invite a few people".

Libber nodded and said "well the more the better I guess".

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