How to get to the Hereafter

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The ninja were in a corner making their escape plan.

"Okay Zane can you pick the lock", Lloyd asked.

Zane answered "affirmative Lloyd".

Zane then went to the bars and began to pick the lock. But Trixie entered with two dogs at her side. One of the dogs snapped at Zane's hand.

Trixie yelled "Hella stop don't bite the robot man you will break your teeth".

Lloyd then asked "what do you want from us Trixie"?

"Oh you five aren't really much use to me", Trixie said.

"Then why did you take us", Kai demanded!

"Well I need bate", Trixie laughed.

"He won't come alone. He will defeat you he always does in this situation", Cole yelled.

Trixie bent down and put her hands on her lap "oh no, no, no, he won't even be alive when I let you out".


"We have to go save them", Jay yelled.

"Jay no it's to dangerous let us go instead", Libber cried.

"She is right son, we can't let that Trixie lady hurt you", Ed said.

"But if we don't go she will kill them", Jay yelled.

P.I.X.A.L spoke "I agree with Jay we need to save them".

Ray told them "Listen we will go after them".

Stephany said "but we don't even know where she took them I'm sure Toto can track them".

Wu knelt down and told her "Stephany please you are young and not in full control of your powers".

Maya told them "how about all of you go into the basement wile the people who know Trixie figure out a plan".

In the basement Skylor was trying to find a way to sneak out and save the ninja. Jay was looking for a way out. Stephany was holding out one of Lloyd's comics and getting Toto to sniff it.

Once Toto got Lloyd's sent in his nose he ran to a curtain. Toto kept barking at the curtain until they all walked towards the dog.

"I don't get it why does he keep barking at the curtains like that", Jay asked.

P.I.X.A.L pulled back the curtain to reveal a door, she opened it and that was their way out.

Toto ran out the door with Stephany and everyone chasing after him. Toto then stood at a dirt road. Stephany sat down and put a leash on Toto and asked "what is it boy"?

Toto kept barking at the road and wanting to run on it.

Once the others cot up Skylor asked "Steph what's wrong with the dog".

Stephany looked up and picked up Toto and said "I think he is trying to lead us to them".

P.I.X.A.L pressed a button and the bounty came and landed.

"What did you think we would go this way on foot", she said as she climbed on the bounty.

Jay sat on the deck of the bounty looking off into the distance. Skylor sat beside him and said "I know I'm worried about them too Jay".

He looked up at her and said "it's not the first time I had to save all of them. Trixie scares me as much as Nadakhan".

"Who is Nadakhan"? She asked.

"Oh stupid I forgot about the erased timeline", Jay scrolled himself.

"Nadakhan was a djinn who tortured me and tried to marry Nya. We Bothe agreed never to talk about him again. Until now I guess", Jay laughed.

"How can you laugh at that or this situation", Skylor snapped.

Jay got up and said "sometimes a laugh can help at a time like this". He then walked away to where Stephany was giving directions through Toto sniffing the air.


The ninja were making more escape plans and finding out a way to get rid of Trixie.

"Lloyd maybe if I splash her with my water she will melt", Nya said.

Zane told them "I do not think water will harm her".

"Well we got to get out of here before Jay gets here", Kai said.

"Okay I have a plan. What if I use my strength to knock the bars down", Cole said

Lloyd then said "until you realize the bars are made out of Venchstone".

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