Alive and Kickin' (Part 25)

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It's been three months since Hunters' death and Tom Masons' disappearance. The 2nd Massachusetts has been constantly on the move; nowhere is safe enough to stay.

Pope and his men rode through the debris littered streets, swerving to avoid the electro-magnetic blasts that were being fired at them. A single Mech appeared around the corner just as the three men dropped their motorbikes in the dirt. A shotgun was thrown in Popes direction and he caught it with ease, quickly pumping the barrel and firing without hesitation. Half a dozen Skitters scurried around the buildings, closely followed by another aggravated Mech. As the enemies neared, Captain Weaver peered around the wall he was using as cover and pushed down on the detonator he held in his hand, causing the Mech to explode.

"Open fire!" He shouted, reloading the rifle in his hands.

The group of fighters began shooting, bringing down a handful of charging Skitters. Unfortunately the enemy was stronger, and continued to push forward. The single Mech charged forward, all bullets ricocheting off its metal plating.

Captain Weaver pulled back into cover, barely missing a bullet aimed for his head. "Where the hell is that backup!?"

Just as those words left his lips a single missile was fired from one of the windows in a decrepit building, hitting the Mech and making it fall to the ground. Maggie smirked once she hit her target.

"Good job, Mags," Hal congratulated quickly before turning his attention to the rest of group. "Keep your heads down! Make every shot count!" He instructed, swiftly getting into position and firing at the enemies below.

Him, Maggie, Jimmy, and Ben took down the Skitters from above. Ben scowled at every Skitter he took down. He didn't want a single one to survive. He hated them, and everyone knew it. He didn't even try to fight the anger anymore; instead he embraced it. He was stronger when he was angry; at least that's what he believed.

Skitters continued to fall. They were finally winning this encounter. Pope and his men took out the remaining few.

"Cease fire! Save your ammo."

The team obeyed their Captain, placing their weapons aside. All except for Ben. He ignored his orders and continued firing.

"Cease fire! Ben, stop shooting!" Hal screamed at his younger brother.

Ben fired his rifle two more times before ceasing fire. Hal shook his head, ashamed of the way Ben was behaving. He wasn't the only one to lose people he cared about. Hal looked out the window and gave Weaver the all clear. Weaver nodded in response and checked his watch.

"We got...eight minutes before those beamers respond. We gotta get the hell outta here! Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Everyone began piling into the vehicles. Hal and his group started descending the stairs, though Hal double backed when he noticed Ben wasn't following.

"Ben, what are you doing? We're clearing out."

Ben kept his gaze fixed on something down in the streets. He raised his gun to his face, "One's still moving....I can't get a shot."

"Then leave it! Come on," Hal gestured for Ben to follow him. Ben glanced at Hal before running and jumping out the window and onto the street below. "Ben!"

Ben landed on his feet with an inaudible thud, whipped out his knife from his pocket, and stormed towards the half-dead Skitter. Seeing him approach, the Skitter screeched and used the last of its energy to lunge at him. Ben easily held the alien at arms-length and dug his blade into the things throat, causing dark red blood to squirt over his hand and run down his arm.

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