I'll never be alright (Chapter 14)

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Hunters’ POV

I closed my book with a sigh and shoved it back beneath my pillow. I looked over to Anne with a bored expression. Anne sat behind her desk, peeking through a microscope. She pulled away with a baffled expression and began writing notes. I could see her subtly try to look at me from the corner of her eye. She jumped when she realised I was staring at her. She quickly went back to what she was doing. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I knew what she was doing. Anne was running tests on my blood. Apparently I was healing faster than I should be. Of course, Anne didn’t tell me that directly. No, I overheard her and my Dad talking in the hallway last night. I don’t see why they find it necessary to keep me outta the loop. I mean, it’s my blood; shouldn’t I be the first one to know if there was something wrong? I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh. I guess I am healing quite fast. Five days and the cuts on my arms have completely healed; the ones on my abdomen are almost invisible. My back is the only part that’s still tender. I still can’t lie on my back.

I pushed myself up from my cot and stretched. I shuffled over to the window and smiled as the sun shone through the glass and warmed my face.  The trees swayed faintly with the breeze. It was a gorgeous summer day and I’m stuck inside. From the moment I woke up I’ve been confined to the Infirmary. No leaving what so ever. No visitors. No contact with the outside world. Complete lockdown. I’ve been trying to entertain myself, but there’s only so much one can do in a high school infirmary. Anne’s been assigned twenty-four hour baby-sitting duty. She didn’t seem to mind it though. I pressed my forehead against the cool glass and sighed. My breath fogged part of the glass so I drew a little smiley face.  I spotted Felix amongst the small group of boys outside on the field. He and Matt were kicking a soccer ball to each other. Both of them were laughing their heads off. I smiled at the sight. It was awesome to see Felix finally bonding with someone close to his own age.

Anne got up from her chair and walked towards the door.

“Where ya going?” I turned around and sat on the windowsill.

“I just have to run to the bathroom. Are you going to be alright here alone?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna make a run for it or anything. I’ll still be here when ya get back.”

Anne smiled and left the room, leaving me alone. I tapped my fingers against my thigh and quietly hummed ‘Living on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi as I looked aimlessly around the room. My attention was drawn to the entrance of the Infirmary as a family of three rushed into the room. The father shut the door behind him, looking around the room frantically. I couldn’t help but wonder why they seemed to be in such a hurry. I stood up from the window and walked towards them silently.

“Hey, you guys okay?” I questioned. The man jumped in fright as he stared at me wide eyed. Beads of sweat dripped down his face. “Why’d you shut the doo—whoa, hold up!” I changed mid-sentence as a gun was shoved in my face. He shrugged his backpack from his shoulder and tossed it to me.

“Fill the bag with some pain killers and antibiotics. Now” he spoke quietly. His wife stood by the door, her arms wrapped protectively around her son.

“What the hell do ya think you’re doing?” I demanded angrily. Why the hell do I always get stuck with the nutjobs!?

“Keep your voice down!” he whispered harshly “it’s not safe here anymore. Nothing but Razorbacks walking around freely, Skitters and Mechs shooting at us. I’m taking my family and leaving. But first, I need something to trade for food and other supplies. So hurry up and get packing!”

I threw the bag to the ground and folded my arms. “No. I’m not gonna help you steal from the group” I stated sternly as I looked him straight in the eye.

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