Ben who? (Chapter 17)

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Hunters' POV

I walked through the halls, Jimmy by my side. I had met him a few days ago...I think. He didn't seem to recognise me when I ran into him, so I'm assuming it was the first time we'd ever spoken. It was nice not to feel awkward around someone for a change.

"So, what was going on with you before the invasion?" Jimmy asked me as we rounded a corner. I gave him a 'seriously?' look and he laughed "sorry, I forgot about the whole amnesia thing."

I rolled my eyes with a smile "it's alright."

"What's it like?" he asked.

I tilted my head to one side "what's what like?"

He seemed to hesitate, like he was rethinking whether to ask me or not. "Amnesia. What's it like?"

My face scrunched up as I thought of way to respond. "Uh, well it's kinda...scary. At first anyway. I mean, when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by people I'd never seen before, sitting in a strange room. Hell, I didn't even know my own name! Then it's really frustrating because you have all these people trying to convince you that you DO know them, and they're telling you all this information about yourself and obviously you don't have a choice but to believe whatever it is they're telling you. And now, I've reached the point of confusion and guilt. I want to remember, but when I don't and they look away with this torn expression, it just...I feel so guilty."

Jimmy patted my shoulder with an apologetic smile. "It sounds horrible. I can't imagine how hard it must be. What do you know about yourself, right now?"

"The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is that my name is Hunter. Nothing else seems to be sticking" I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "But I am getting better with remembering peoples' names" I said in hopes of making myself feel better.

Jimmy smiled slightly "well that's a good sign."

"I suppose" I nodded slightly with a small smile. I already had a soft spot for Jimmy. Even though I had only known him for a few days, I already knew so much about him. He's been really supportive of me and he doesn't get offended when I tell him I've forgotten something. I'm very lucky to have met him.

I was pulled back to reality when I walked into something hard. I stumbled back slightly, holding the side of my head. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's alright, I- Hunter?"

I looked up at the mention of my name. Before me stood a boy around my age. He had shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was extremely cute! Wait, don't I know him from somewhere? I narrowed my eyes and cocked my head to the side. Now I remember...he was one of the people in the Infirmary when I woke up. Ben, I think his name was.

I smiled warmly "you're Ben, right?"

His eyes seemed to light up at the mention of his name. Before I could blink, both of my hands were being tightly held in his. "That's right, I am. You remember me now?"

I bit my lip "sorry, I only remember your name."

His face fell and he released my hands, shoving them deep into his pockets.

"O-oh...I see" he mumbled, casting his eyes downwards.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and gripped the bottom of my shirt, something I always seemed to do when I was uncomfortable or nervous. "I'm sorry" I smiled apologetically.

"It's fine" he replied with a small tight lipped smile. "I, uh, should probably get going" he pointed his thumb over his shoulder and walked away.

Sighing, I spun on my heel and walked back the way I came.

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