Patrol duty (Chapter 2)

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??? POV

I sighed in annoyance. We’ve been walking through this forest for over 40 minutes and we haven’t seen anything. Not a damn thing. I really don’t understand the reason for being out here. Nothing could be heard except our feet plodding along the ground and my brothers irritating humming. The same tune over and over again, driving me crazy. I looked at him through the corner of my eye. Beads of sweat made their way down his face and dripped from his chin; his usual spiked up hair clung to his forehead; red covered his cheeks and nose; his fast strides had been reduced to a slow saunter. The weather was definitely taking its’ toll on him. I on the other hand felt perfectly fine. One of the advantages of being a de-harnessed kid I guess.

“Hey, Hal?” I asked breaking the silence.

“Hmm” he hummed in response, giving me a lazy sidelong stare.

“Remind me why we’re out here again?”

“Dad wanted us to do a perimeter search. Make sure there’s no Skitters lurking around” his eyes scanned the trees in front of him.

I scoffed in disbelief “Yeah, I’m sure that’s why.”

Hal gave me a questionable look “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Dad didn’t send us out here so you could keep an eye on me?” I accused.

“No” he spoke quickly as he readjusted his gun. He was lying. Hal never looked directly at someone when he was lying.

“You’re lying. Why are you lying?”

“I’m not lying!”

I gave him a ‘you’re-so-full-of-crap’ look and he sighed in defeat. “Alright, fine. Maybe Dad did send me to keep an eye on you, but come on, what do you expect?”

“I expect my family to trust me, not treat me like I’m some prisoner that needs to be under twenty-four hour surveillance” I snapped.

“Oh come on Ben, you’re overreacting! You only got your harness removed a couple of days ago. You’re stronger, and faster, and hey, you don’t even break a sweat anymore! So-“

“So you’re saying I’m freak!? A freak that can’t be trusted. Thanks, that makes me feel a whole lot better”

“Hey, just calm down for a second…” Hal grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so I was facing him “…we don’t think you’re a freak-”

I opened my mouth to argue but he shushed me.

“Listen to me. We don’t think you’re a freak, but we hardly have any information on the Skitters. They could’ve done anything to you. Dad just wants to make sure nothing happens to you. You know how protective he can be. Hell, I wasn’t even allowed to hold a gun the first few weeks of the invasion!”

We both chuckled at the memory of Dad and his weapon ban. He was so paranoid of us hurting ourselves that he went to the extreme of taking all the guns and strapping them to his back so we couldn’t touch them. He said stuff like ‘Guns aren’t toys’ ‘they’re too dangerous’ ‘maybe when you’re older’. After a week of Hal stomping his feet like a baby he finally got his hands on one. He stole a gun when Dad fell asleep. The expression on Dads face once he caught Hal running away with his stolen weapon was totally priceless. I don’t know what I laughed harder at; the way Dads eyes popped out his head as he spotted Hal making his escape, or the expression on Hals face when he realised Dad wasn’t as slow he had expected.

Hal ruffled my shaggy blonde hair “No matter what happens you’ll always be my baby brother. My geeky baby brother.”

“Ugh dude, please, no chick flick moments!” I gagged “I swear you seriously need to get laid. Maybe that will give you some of your masculinity back.”  Next thing I knew I was pulled roughly into a head lock. Hal rubbed my head viciously with his knuckles.

“Says the virgin” Hal laughed at my discomfort.

Grunting I tried untangling myself from his death grip. “Get…off…”

“Make me” he taunted.

“I’ll kick your ass if you don’t let go!” I threatened with the most serious face I could muster.

“Oooh I’m shaking” Hal laughed releasing me. My hands massaged my stinging neck. Great, now I’m going to have a bruise. “Virgin” Hal mumbled loud enough for me to hear. The smirk on his face indicating that he was joking.

“Man-whore” I glared, but an identical smirk found its way to my lips as well.

A scream filled the air, making us both jump to attention. We took off in the direction of the scream. With my enhanced abilities I knew I could make it there faster. I looked to Hal asking permission with my eyes. He nodded in approval and I jolted ahead, leaving a trail of dust behind me.

As I got closer strange noises filled my head. It sounded like…static? The noise intensified with each step, creating a killer migraine. Skidding to a halt I dropped to my knees as my hands flew to my ears in a pathetic attempt to block out the sound. The taste of blood filled my mouth while I bit down hard onto my own tongue.  My head pounded like a jack hammer. Tears slipped from my eyes. This pain was…indescribable.

“Ben!” I could faintly hear Hals voice screaming at me from behind. Hal fell to my side. His eyes frantically looking over me for sign of injury. “Ben, what’s happening!? Talk to me, Ben!” His voice rushed and full of fear and panic.

“M-my…head…it’s…burning” I wasn’t sure if he had even heard me or not. I was too busy trying to keep myself from throwing my guts up. But then it all stopped as a shot rang through the air. The noise, the migraine, the nausea. Everything. It felt as if nothing had happened. Slowly getting to my feet I noticed Hal no longer around. Instead he was standing a few feet ahead, gun raised with a pissed off look plastered on his face.

“Come on!” Hal commanded as he charged towards the group of Skitters he fired at. I obeyed and quickly ran after him, picking up my gun that had dropped during my little ‘episode’. More shots rang through the air. Three Skitters were dead by the time I caught up. Wasting little time I began firing off rounds myself. One down, then another, and another. They dropped like flies; obviously not prepared for the surprise attack. The final Skitter dropped dead. I couldn’t help but wonder what they were doing out here like this?

“Is it just me or did that seem too easy?” No response. “Hal?” Silence. I glanced over my shoulder to see why Hal was ignoring me. He was frozen to the spot. What was he staring at with such intensity? “Hal, what are-” my sentence was cut off as my eyes landed on the same thing Hal was staring at. A girl was passed out against the tree. Her body was covered with dirt and blood. Her hair was muddy and knotted. Her clothes were torn. A thick branch was protruding from her leg. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I wasn’t sure what to do, but she was going to die if she didn’t get medical attention. As if reading my mind Hal quickly scooped the girl into his arms.

“We need Anne” and with that statement he spun on his heel and headed towards camp. Me following close behind.


Yay chapter 2! This story is currently set during season 1 so Ben only recenly got his harness removed. I'd love to know what you think :)


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