The Things we go Through (Part 1) (Chapter 26)

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"What are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Tom and Hunter stared at each other, both shocked to see one another on-board the alien vessel. Karen smirked as she circled the two. She stopped behind Hunter and kicked her in the back. Hunter grunted as she was kicked to the ground. She felt her arms forced roughly behind her back, where they were held securely in place with red cable. Once Karen was finished she yanked Hunter back onto her knees by her hair, causing the redhead to curse her with venom and amazing proficiency.

"Hush, hush, Hunter," Karen placed her finger against Hunters' lips. "Pretty lips such as yours should not be uttering such repulsive words."

Hunter pulled away abruptly, a low growl slipping past her lips. "I swear when I get outta this I'm gonna kick your bony ass all the way to whatever black hole your masters crawled out of!"

Karen tutted, shaking her head side-to-side. "Such insolence." She smirked that famous smirk of hers before leaving the room.

Tom, who had begun questioning his own sanity, watched as Hunter attempted to break free of the cable binding her wrists. That fact that Hunter was actually alive was difficult to believe. He had been the one to bury her. He was the one by her side when she took her final breath. It was physically impossible for this girl to be alive, yet she is, and is now being held prisoner alongside him.

"Y-you were dead," Tom said, his brow creasing in confusion.

Hunter stopped struggling to stare at him. "Yeah, I was."


"My body..." Hunter trailed off, not exactly sure whether or not to tell him the truth.

"Your body what?"

Hunter looked the older man straight in the eyes, " was healed by them."

"The Overlords healed you?" Tom gave a quick shake of his head, clearly not understanding what she meant. "Why would they do something like that?"

Hunter shrugged, "I have no idea. All I know is that Karen told me that they healed me. The fish-heads are 'sposed to know why, and lemme tell ya, I ain't leaving without some answers." She began struggling against her bonds, which sliced painfully into her wrists.

Tom watched as blood began to pour from the cuts the young girl was creating. She didn't even seem to notice that she was causing damage to herself, or perhaps she simply didn't care about the damage.

"Hunter, you need to stop struggling. You're cutting your wrists."

He was ignored. She continued to struggle, growing more and more agitated by the second. Her breathing became ragged, unsteady. The familiar tightening in her chest made her gulp a trembling breath. It was the same feeling she experienced every time she had entered an elevator or any other confined space. She was sure she was over it, but her fear was reawakened during her encounter with Merle.

"Hunter? What's the matter?!"

Tom watched her, his brow crinkled with concern. He stepped towards the trembling girl, but stopped mid-step when she screamed at him.

"Don't come any closer! I-I need to get outta here, Tom."

It was in that moment when he realised what the problem was. Claustrophobia. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

"Hunter, just breathe, ok? Everything is going to be fine, alright? Take slow, deep, breaths'."

She nodded quickly and focused on his voice. Slow, deep breaths. She focused on listening and slowing down her heart rate. Panicking was not an option right now.

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