That girl will be the death of me (Chapter 8)

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3rd POV

Maggie sat on the wooden bench outside John F. Kennedy High School, cleaning her Beretta 92 FS. The day had been quiet which irritated Maggie. She preferred the fast paced days because then she’d have something to take her mind off of Hal. She never thought she’d develop feelings for a guy like Hal, yet he was all she could think about. Of course she would never confess her true feelings for him in fear of rejection. Her past always managed to destroy possible relationships; besides, she’s seen the way Hal looked at Hunter. His face would always light up at the sight of her, or even the mention of her name. Maggie dies a little inside every time Hal speaks to her about Hunter. She wanted so badly for Hal to speak of her the same way, but that was just a stupid fantasy.

‘Speak of the bitch’ Maggie thought bitterly as she caught sight of Hunter leaving the school. Hunter looked around frantically as she subtly made her way over to an old pick-up truck. Once she was certain nobody was watching she slid quietly into the driver’s seat.

‘What is she up to?’ Maggie’s curiosity got the better of her and she carefully made her way over to the truck. The engine roared to life, startling Maggie. Without thinking she dived into the back and covered herself with an old tarp. Her body clenched as the truck took off without warning. People could be heard screaming after the truck but the further they drove, the quieter the voices became. Once she thought it was safe, Maggie poked her head out from under the tarp and peeked through the rear-view window. She couldn’t see where they were headed so she sunk back down into a lying position and watched the clouds whiz by, patiently waiting for the truck to arrive at its destination.


Hunter pushed by Tom Mason with tears streaming down her cheeks. Tom looked to Weaver for an explanation. Captain Weaver fell back into his chair with an emotionless face. His heart ached as his daughters words echoed in his mind. Weaver promised himself that he wouldn’t let something like this happen again, but he broke his promise…just like Hunter said. He rubbed his face with both hands as he remembered the look on his little girls’ face before she ran from the room. She was crying, and it was all his fault.

“She’s right. I never listen to anyone else. I never listened to Linda, and maybe if I did we’d still be together. I never listened to Hunter and Sophia when they told me they didn’t like their step-father. I just…don’t know what to do.”

Tom shifted uncomfortably as he watched his Captain slowly fall to pieces. He scratched the back of his neck and carefully made his way over to Weaver.

“Listen, Weaver…” Weaver looked at Tom as he started to speak “…I don’t know what happened between the two of you just now, but I do know you can’t keep blaming yourself for what’s happened in the past.”

“But if I-”

“There’s no buts, Weaver” Tom interrupted “You just said yourself that you never listened to your family, well now’s the time to start. Hunter’s trying to talk to you, so start listening to her.”

Weaver looked at the door and back to his second in command “You saw the way she ran out of here. She’s not gonna want to speak to me now; she hates me for what I’ve done.”

“She doesn’t hate you. She’s just being a normal teenager. My boys were always telling me they hated me when I told them they weren’t allowed to do something” Tom joked earning a small smile from Weaver. “When she’s older she’ll understand that you were just trying to protect her. She’ll get over this, Weaver. These are dark times we live in, and Hunter’s going to need her Dad to help her along the way” Tom smiled and patted Weaver on the back reassuringly.

Weaver cleared as throat and stood from his chair “Tom, I ain’t really good with words, but…thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I know how hard it is to be a single father.”

Before either of them could say another word one of the civilians burst through the door in a slight state of panic. Tom and Weaver both jumped to attention as they stared at the man panting in the doorway.

“C-Captain Weaver…there’s….something important I…need to tell you” he said in between breaths.

“Well, out with it soldier!” Weaver commanded folding his arms behind his back.

The man took in one deep breath and straightened up “its Hunter, sir” Weaver stiffened at the mention of her name “She’s…gone.”

“Gone? What the hell do you mean she’s gone?” Panic shot through Weaver, his mind was racing.

“She stole one of the trucks and just left. Looked like she was heading east, sir.”

Weaver grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and slipped it on as he left the office; Tom following close behind. Weaver already knew where she was headed. She was going to find her group, with or without him. He mentally cursed himself for not realising her motives sooner. This wasn’t the first time Hunter had snuck off. The last time she snuck out of the house ended with Weaver driving around the city till three in the morning. She had left to see that boy she liked, Michael. 

Both men exited the school and jogged down the steps towards the parking lot where a small group were gathered. The group turned to see their Captain and second-in-command making their way over them.

“She headed that way, Captain” one of the civilians pointed in the direction of the runaway girl.

“She alone?” Weaver asked as he stared at the skid marks the truck left behind on the pavement.

“As far as we know” someone said with a nod.

Weaver sighed and walked into the middle of the road. Placing both hands on his hips he stared into the distance wondering where that girl of his had run off to. He wasn’t a religious man but he prayed to God that she’d be alright. That girl was going to be the death of him any day now.


Chapter 8, yay! So what's going to happen once Hunter finds Maggie hiding in the back of the truck? That'll be interesting. I hate making Maggie seem so bitchy because I actually think she's pretty awesome, but it's necessary I'm afraid! Anyway hope you're all enjoying so far :) Let me know what you think!


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