And it was going so well (Chapter 19)

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3rd POV

The group sat around a table in the empty cafeteria, laughing happily after a successful mission. It was the first time in months when everything felt normal, instead of the apocalyptic hell hole it actually was. Captain Weaver stood from his seat and cleared his throat, silencing the blissful chatter.

He looked at each member of the small group with a smile on his face “I think everyone of you will agree with me when I say that today was not only daunting, stressful, and a complete pain in the ass, but it was also a success.”

The group nodded and murmured in agreement as Weaver spoke again “now I ain’t one for words, so don’t expect much from this little speech. I just wanted to say how proud I am to have been put in charge of such an enthusiastic, diligent, and motivated group of people. I don’t think any of us would have gotten as far as we have now if we weren’t together.”

Everyone looked at one another with smiles before turning their attention back to their Captain “when Porter made Tom my second in command, well…let’s just say I wasn’t too happy ‘bout it…” Tom nodded in agreement and chuckled “…but I’m grateful for that now. I’m also grateful to have my baby-girl back in one piece” he ruffled Hunters hair and she laughed as she swatted his hand away.

“I don’t know how much longer this war is gonna go on, or how many more people we’re gonna lose, but tonight, let’s forget all the shit that’s goin’ on around us and celebrate the fact that we get to fight another day” Weaver finished, raising his glass.

The group raised their glasses with a cheer and Weaver sat down.

“I’m just glad Hunter showed up when she did” Anthony smiled.

“Same here. I could be dead right now if it wasn’t for you” Ben smiled at Hunter appreciatively.  

Hunter waved her hand dismissively as she smiled “I’m sure ya woulda been just fine without me, but next time, try be a little more careful.”

“I’ll try. I just don’t know what happened to me in there” Ben muttered and stared down at the tabletop.

“You froze. No big deal” Hunter shrugged.

“She’s right. It happens to the best of us” Dai said before taking a sip of his drink.

Ben bit his lip and slowly nodded. He still felt guilty about what had happened at the hospital. Not only did he almost get himself killed, but he could have gotten the others killed as well. Maybe his Dad was right; maybe he wasn’t ready to go out into the field. Hunter grabbed Bens’ hand under the table, entwining her fingers with his. Ben gazed at her as she smiled at him affectionately. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks and he squeezed her hand gently.

“So, Hunter…” Maggie began with a smirk “…how did you get your memories back anyhow?”

Hunter grinned “it just sorta happened. Little things just kinda…triggered them, ya know?”

“What triggered them first?” Hal asked, crossing his arms.

“Well I got my first memory earlier this morning when I was hanging with Jimmy” Hunter smiled nervously under Hals accusatory gaze.

“Jimmy, huh? Is that when you two were in the hall together?” Hal smirked.

Hunter felt the colour drain from her face. She had prayed that no one had seen them together earlier, but it appears that she was wrong. Hunter forced a smile and tried acting nonchalant “yeah, I believe so.”

Hal nodded his head, his smirk growing “what’d he do exactly? You know, to help you remember?”

Hunter narrowed her eyes “does it matter?”

“Not to me” he shrugged smugly. “But it might matter to Ben” his eyes flicked to Ben, who was looking quite confused at this point.

“What are you talking about, man?” Ben asked, slightly puzzled by his brothers interrogation.

“Come on Hunter. Tell the story” Hal was beyond smug at this point. If he couldn’t have Hunter, then his little brother couldn’t either.

“Hal, what’s the matter with you?” Maggie questioned, cocking her brow in confusion.

“Hal…please” Hunter begged softly, her heart racing.

“What’s going on you two?” Tom frowned as he stared at the two teens.

“Nothing’s going on” Hunter snapped.

“Sure, nothing’s going on…if you think Hunter and Jimmy making out in the hall earlier today is nothing” Hal smirked once again before taking a sip of his drink.

“What?!” Weaver and Maggie yelled simultaneously.

Hunter hung her head in shame, afraid to look at the faces of her friends and family. Anthony and Dai smirked at one another, not knowing about Hunters and Bens feelings towards each other. Matt scrunched his nose up in disgust. Felix covered his mouth in surprise, he was sure that Ben was the boy she liked. Anne and Lourdes shifted uncomfortably in their seats, both stealing glances at the two teens that sat across from them. Tom stared at his son with sympathy, not knowing the pain he must be feeling at the moment. Ben sat there emotionless. He felt his heart slowly being ripped in half. He never knew a pain so excruciating existed, but it does.

“It’s…it’s not what you think” Hunter said quietly, her eyes filling with tears. “Ben, I-”

“Save it” he whispered harshly. Ben sprang to his feet and ran from the cafeteria.

“Ben!” Hunter leapt from her seat, slamming her hands down on the tables’ wooden surface. She wiped the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes before chasing after him.

Maggie turned to Hal with fire in her eyes. Hal gave her a sidelong glance “what?”

“How could you do that?” She hissed.

“Ben had the right to know” Hal replied coolly.

“It was none of your business” she said, getting angrier by the second.

“I’m only looking out for my little bro” Hal smirked.

Maggie shook her head slowly, her eyes narrowing “no, you’re looking out for yourself.”

Hal frowned “how is that looking out for myself?”

“I’m not stupid, Hal” Maggie spat “I see the way you look at her. You’re in love with Hunter but you don’t have the balls to admit it.”

Hals mouth dropped open “what?! You’re crazy, Maggie.”

“Am I? Admit it Hal…you’re jealous because Ben got to her first, and you can’t stand it. You can’t understand why Hunter would pick him over you! Am I right!?”

Hal clenched his fists under the table, exhaling sharply through his nose.

Maggie scoffed and continued “so, what? If you can’t have her, no one can, right? You really are pathetic” Maggie whispered the last part before standing and making her way from the cafeteria.

Hal sat there in silence before banging his fists down on the table and storming out. The group watching his retreating figure uneasily.


Chapter 19! Finally, huh? Thanks to everyone being so patient. I hope you all like this chapter. If ya did, let me know ;)

- Sarah

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