Nothing but trouble (Chapter 7)

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Hunters’ POV

I’ve been with the 2nd Mass for three weeks now. There are a lot of really cool people here.  I spent most of my days with the Mason family. My Dad has been really busy lately so the only time I get to spend with him is during dinner or if we run into one another in the halls.

Hal and Ben have both been really great to me. I think I’ve actually developed a crush on both of them. I know I shouldn’t like both of them, I mean how could I? They’re both so different, and yet…they both have something that just draws me in.

When I first met Hal Mason I automatically thought he was going to be a typical Jock. If this were high school we would definitely not be seen together. I guess that’s why I tried to avoid him for the first few days. But then he cornered me in one of the classrooms and demanded I tell him why I was evading him. And I’m glad he did. He wasn’t a jerk like I had imagined. Turns out that he’s actually pretty cool. He’s handsome, funny, tough…pretty much a real man’s man. The more time I spend with him, the more I notice. Like how much he cares for his family. He told me he would die to protect his brothers, and the bond between him and his father is amazing.

He can be a good person to talk to, he knows a lot about life but you have to be to get past that brash outer layer and maybe get lucky to find out that there is something a little deeper to him.

Hal isn’t the kinda guy who trusts people easily, especially when the person has Skitter involvement. He admitted that he was sceptical of me at first. That’s why he tried so hard to run into me.

He likes his music loud and has a thing for old classic cars. He was saving up for a Chevy Impala. He likes his food greasy and fried. His favourites are bacon cheeseburgers.

He is a sports fan, like I am. He used to play lacrosse back in high school. I’m more into NFL or Baseball myself.

I really like spending time with him. He really cracks me up and isn’t afraid to open up to me. It’s really easy when I’m around him. I can say anything to him and he never gets offended. I feel like I can really be myself in front of him.

But then there’s Ben, who’s the complete opposite of his brother. He and I have a special kind of relationship. For some reason I felt an instant connection with him the day we met. I didn’t think much about it at first, but then we started hanging around each other more and the connection grew stronger. I thought it was weird until Ben told me that he felt the same.

I felt like I had known him my entire life. Hell, if you asked anyone about us they would you it’s like we had grown up together.

Unlike Hal, Ben and I didn’t feel the need to talk in order to understand one another. We could sit together for hours without a single word ever being exchanged and it would never be awkward or uncomfortable. Though I do try and get him to talk to me as much as possible because I love listening to his voice.

A lot of people try to steer clear of him because of his spikes. I never knew what they were, but I didn’t dare ask. If he wanted to tell me he could, but I would never force him to do something that made him uncomfortable. Eventually he told me that he used to be harnessed but Anne managed to cut it off. A lot of other kids got their harnesses removed also, but their spikes disappeared. Apparently even de-harnessed kids still have a connection to the Skitters, which is why everyone’s on edge with Ben around. Then he told me something he hadn’t told anyone else; the harness improved his health and vitality. Apparently Ben had asthma before he was harnessed, but now…he’s capable of doing things normal humans find difficult. His hearing and eye sight is better, he’s stronger, faster, and doesn’t even break a sweat. He was afraid of telling me because of how he thought I was gonna react. But the spikes didn’t bother me at all. I mean, it wasn’t his fault that he was taken. Spikes or no spikes, I like Ben for Ben, and honestly, I don’t think anything is ever going to change the way I feel about him.

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