Mexican stand-off (Chapter 9)

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Hunters POV

The sun was beginning to rise as I pulled up outside the Acton Memorial Library. I would’ve gotten here earlier but I had to pull over to keep from being seen by the Skitter patrols. To be honest I don’t know why I stopped here, something inside me just told me that this is where I needed to be. I turned off the engine and reached into the back seat, grabbing the Sako A7 Synthetic that was left there carelessly. I lost my weapon during the surprise attack a few weeks ago and required a new one. This was a beautiful gun, so if no one else wants it I might as well make it my own. I stepped out of the truck and scanned the building in front of me. It seemed quiet enough but I kept my guard up just in case. Can’t be too careful, ya know? Closing the door behind me I made my way to the entrance. I slowly pulled open the door and stuck my head inside, checking for anything that might kill me. When I was sure it was safe I moved further in. By the look of the place somebody must have been holding up here. The windows were boarded shut, allowing minimal light to peek through; blankets littered the dirty carpet; bloody bandages covered the front desk; maps and books were piled onto one table in the centre of the room. A book falling off the shelf made me raise my gun in alarm. I felt my heart speed up and my palms become sweaty.

“Who’s there?” I demanded with a surprisingly steady voice. More books flew off the shelf, followed by scurrying feet. I took cautious steps towards the shelves, raising my gun higher. A gun shot filled the eerie silence and I automatically dropped to the ground. I pulled one of the tables down in front of me, using it as a shield.

“S-stay back!” a timid voice shouted fearfully.

That voice…It was so familiar “Who are you?” I shouted back.

“N-none of your b-business! Just leave, or…o-or I’ll shoot” they threatened with a shaky voice.

I gasped in realisation. Of course, how did I not figure it out earlier?! “Felix, that you?” I questioned as I slowly popped my head over the table. Between the gaps in the shelves I caught a glimpse of raven black hair. The toes of his little blue untied Converse stuck out from underneath the shelf. I smiled to myself as I saw his wide green eyes peek through a break in the books.

“How do you know my name?” he asked innocently.

“It’s me Hunter. You remember?” I came out from behind the table so he could see me.

“Hunter?” his voice was quiet and shaky “is it really you?”

“It’s really me, Kiddo”

Felix came running around the shelves and jumped into my arms with tears running down his rosy cheeks. My arms wrapped around his small frame as I hugged him tightly.  I can’t believe how much I actually missed this kid!

“H-Hunter…I thought you were…d-dead” he hiccupped between sobs.

“And leave you behind? I don’t think so!” I stroked his hair affectionately. I gently pulled back, my hands still resting on his shoulders. He wiped his drippy nose in his sleeve and sniffled. “Felix, why are you here alone? Where are the others?”

“I came here with Lee and Shauna but they’re out looking for supplies. I don’t know where anyone else is. I haven’t seen them since the Swarmers attacked a few weeks ago.”

“So it’s just the three of you then?”

He nodded his head slowly, still sniffling. I frowned, so maybe my Dad was right after all. It has been about a month since the attack, maybe they’ve travelled outside of Acton already.  

“Hunter? W-who’s that?” Felix gripped my arm tightly as he stared as something behind my back. I slowly reached for my rifle that lay in front of me. Once my fingers brushed of the barrel I snatched it and spun around, my gun raised ready to fire. Well, it wasn’t a Skitter but it was still a problem. The blonde stood in the doorway pointing her gun at me, a nasty smirk playing on her lips.

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