Chapter 2

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   Bright and early the next day, Stephen, the family driver, dropped Maggie off at Mendips at 8:30 sharp, as requested by Mimi, much to the girl's  annoyance. She preferred to get her 'beauty sleep', as it were. and the drive from her home to the Smith's was a good half hour.

At the present moment, she was starting the day by scrubbing the sink. Mimi had taken pity on the girl after thinking it over the previous night, and gave her simpler tasks, such as dusting, sweeping, tending to the garden etc.

Although she wasn't going to, Maggie did make mention of suggesting using white vinegar oil as soap would pull out the wood, something her own maid had mentioned once on occasion. This pleased Mimi who refrained from
her usual sharp comments about the girl's state of clothing and left to go back outside to read in the back garden.

Midway through her work, she paused, listening to the heavy footsteps of John upstairs and made a motion of hurrying up, not wanting to face the rude boy so early, especially in the kitchen when she dropped a few pieces of silverware on the ground.

  "Well, well, well,'' A familiar smug voice spoke and Maggie refused to turn around ''Me little red velvet is on the floor. Is exactly like how I like me women, getting down and dirty." Maggie could hear the smile in John's voice and she rolled her eyes.

  Not giving him the satisfaction of a response, she huffed and stood up leaving him alone in the room.

    "Oh come on love. It was just a joke!" John raced behind her until he managed to cut her off and now stood directly in front of her.

"You boys are all the same. You think you're so superior to women. That all we're put on this earth to do is a cook, clean and make babies and please you?!" Maggie whipped around and poked John with each word, eyes blazing angrily.

He stood there and watched her with an unreadable expression. After a moment, he reached towards her pressing Maggie against the table, inching until their faces were centimeters apart.

  Maggie's nostrils were filled with his scent of cigarettes, sweat and a unidentifiable scent that was entirely John she actually liked. She looked into his brown orbs, watching him lean closer and her breath hitched.

   He waited until their lips were only a breath apart before he brought bringing an apple to his lips and took a satisfying crunch out of it. He smirked.

   "Want a bite luv?" He asked through a mouthful and she felt a rush of heat cover her neck and face. Maggie narrowed her eyes before storming past him grabbing a duster and walking out, John's cackling laughter following her.

  "Maggie. I'm going out so it'll just be you and John. I believe he invited one of his little friends over. If they break a single thing, lock the door and don't let them leave." Mimi commanded before slipping on her coat.

   "Yes, Mrs. Smith." Maggie stepped down from the step ladder where she was dusting the light fixtures.

  Not even ten minutes after Mimi had left, there was a knock at the door. Knowing John wouldn't be answering it, Maggie crossed the house to answer.

She opened it to reveal a young cherub-faced boy dressed as a teddy boy. He had large innocently shaped doe brown eyes and a kind smile that sent a wave of warmth through the young debutant.

  "Ello, I'm Paul, Paul McCartney, John's friend. Might I have the pleasure of learning what your lovely name is?" He smiled sweetly, holding out his hand.

  "Maggie Mae Rose." She raised an eyebrow as Paul moved her hand to his lips.

  "Simply perfect for a perfectly beautiful girl. Pleasure to meet you love." Maggie blushed, looking away. Thomas had been charming, but not as sweetly romantic as Paul seemingly was.

"Oi Macca,  stop chatting up the bird and come 'ead! We have a gig on Thursday and we need new material to practice!" John appeared from behind Maggie and she felt a spark on her back where his hand resided.

   "Alright, John don't get your knickers in a twist. Been spending too much time knitting with Mimi eh?" Paul chuckled. Maggie giggled softly.

   "Whatever." John rolled his eyes and stormed back upstairs and Maggie felt cold without his hand.

  Paul smiled apologetically before hoisting his guitar higher and following John.

   "I thought I told you I did it because I like warm socks in December." She heard John whispering harshly to Paul. Maggie shook her head before continuing her job.

Maggie Mae and her John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now