Chapter 25

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George get at though his heart had been torn out of his chest. He knew Maggie had a flame burning for John and vice versa, but he never thought she'd act on it.

  Without a second thought he immediately called his lawyer and demanded divorce papers. If he was going to end things, he was doing so in his own terms.

   George fought for full custody of Lucy which turned into an epic custody battle which was published in every newspaper.

   But, the counts decided it's be best if George's sister, adopted Lucy and raised her in America, as the jury thought a rock and roller and a cheating mother was not a good influence.

    Much to Maggie's disappointment, John didn't divorce Cynthia. "Brian says to let the heat calm down with you and George. The press doesn't know about me being Max's father. (Baby's name!) "

George took the house and started dating a model named Pattie Boyed immediately and Maggie had a thought that they were together while she was pregnant.

Maggie managed to find one in Kensington. She might have been married to George, but her dance academy paid very well.

She missed Lucy everyday but Dashelle kept her busy. John stopped by as often as possible, sometimes nights, but always had to go home to Cynthia and Julian. His real family.

  Paul and Maggie became closer, as a recent breakup from Jane left the baby faced Beatle in need for a place to stay and Maggie needed help in caring for Max, who bonded with Paul who loved him the same.

Currently Maggie was in the kitchen cooking while Max  cooed in his basket next to her.

   She glanced at him smiling. He looked more like her than John( much to Brian's relief) but he had John's brown eyes and hair color and Maggie's high cheekbones and slender build.

She was just stuffing the chicken when the baby began to cry. "Oh hold on darling!" She searched desperately for a tea towel to wipe her hands with.

"I got him." A familiar voice spoke. Max stopped crying as he was rocked. Maggie turned to face John who had stuck a bottle into Max mouth.

"Hey love. What'er you doing here?" Maggie washer her hands and kissed John in greeting.

"Came to write some new songs for the upcoming album. Help! And thought I'd stop by to see my boy and my love." Maggie blushed. "And to give you some great news."

"What?" Maggie placed the stuffed chicken into the oven.

"Cynthia is taking Julian to stay at her mums for a week!" John smiled excited and a Maggie's smile faltered. "What?" John narrowed his eyes.

"I can't live like this. I can't have our son grow up wondering why his daddy only comes by sometimes and has a wife and another son!" Maggie snapped.

"And what the fuck do you want me to do?! I can't divorce Cyn right now, can I?!" John spat putting Max  back in his basket.

"You can John. It's really simple. You promised that we'd both get divorced and than get married and raise Max together. I lost my daughter for us!" Maggie blinked the on coming tears.

John's temper fell as he watched  Maggie cry. She was the only women he couldn't stand see cry.

   "I'm sorry red velvet. I promise a week after Cyn gets back, I'll divorce her. Just please don't cry baby." John wrapped his arms around Maggie and held her.

John made so many promises every day.

Maggie Mae and her John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now