Chapter 33

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August 1978

   Maggie steadied her breathing as she prepared to walk down the aisle. She was dressed in a white v necked tight white dress and strapped sandals a white hibiscus tucked behind her right ear.

   Closing her eyes she stepped into the doorway and began her walk. Paul looked at her with utter joy, he himself dressed in cotton pants and a cotton shirt. The minister smiled at the couple as Lucy stood between the two adults with Max in her arms.

After the ceremony, the kids were dropped off with the babysitter as Maggie and Paul walked along the beach, the waves crashing behind them.

  "Was the wedding perfect darling?" Paul swung their laced hands.

   "Yes. Yes completely. But we didn't get to have our first dance." Maggie pouted.

  "Ok. Close your eyes. Just listen to the waves." Maggie complied and released as Paul took her hands and they began to sway.

"Bright are the stars that shine. Dark is the sky, I know this love of mine, will never die, and I love her.
She gives me everything. And tenderly, the kiss my lover brings. She brings to me. And I love her." Paul sang softly and Maggie smiled.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help, falling in love with you. Shall I say, would it be a sin. If I can't help falling in love with you." Maggie sang as Paul twirled her under the moonlight.

Paul smirked. "Don't have to be rich, to be mine girl-"

"Don't have to be cool. To rule my world." Maggie responded and the two kissed. The kiss got more heated until they moved behind a large rock.

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   Maggie snuggled against Paul as they exited the elevator and walked towards their suite. "Having a good morning Mrs. McCartney?" Paul asked wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

  "Absolutely Mr. McCartney.I'm sure our kids are missing us." Maggie giggled as she opened the door.

  "Well, actually the boy is my son." Maggie paled and Paul's face grew dark as they stared at John who smirked while playing Go Fish with Lucy while Max slept in his arms.

Maggie Mae and her John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now