Chapter 73

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Maggie June 1980

Luckily, John came out of rehab, just as I returned to New York for the Final show of Grease with my dancers.

Yoko had taken Sean to Japan with her for a visit, annoyed that I was taking care of her husband.

George was very understanding, knowing it was important that I be there for John in this hard time for him. It made me love him even more, that after everything he still trusted me. And I promised nothing would happen, besides John would be too sick to make a move.

   I waited for John outside, he came out cleanly shaven, but still skinny, looking drained and tired.

I smiled reaching for him and hugged him warmly. "You came." He sounded surprised and extremely happy.

I pulled away and smiled. "I promised you way back in Liverpool, I wouldn't abandon you. Now let's get you your first meal, a clean changed man!" I cheered, John, giving me a small smile.

I stayed two weeks with John, he threw up a few times and freaked out, which was to be expected.

His apartment creeped me out with how white everything was. I didn't voice my opinion to John who seemed to like it.

"Maggie, I was working on a song before I went into rehab and I just finished it. I was hoping you'd like to be the first one to hear it?" He stood in front of me and I nodded eagerly.

He played what was soon to be known as Imagine. And I was the first human being to hear it.

John and I stayed in close contact after his clean up, Imagine was an extreme success and he even reconciled with the lads to my happiness.

I got to know Sean, who actually called me "Aunt Maggie" now, and to my joy, he and Max became very close.

John and I became best friends and I actually got along with Yoko to John's joy. I may not have had John the way I had always wanted, but I still had him.

At the begging and persuasion of my dancers and close friends, I auditioned for the New York Ballet and actually made the lead in the production of Swan Lake.

George had stayed with me in my dressing room with the kids before going to find their seats.

I finished my makeup and went to pull on my toe shoes. A knock sounded on the door before a familiar figure walked inside.

"John!" I grinned and he leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"I just wanted to tell you to break a leg love." He smiled and bent down to lace my silver shoes.

"Thank you, you know I have you to thank actually. This was my dream and if I never met you all those years ago, I probably would have never accomplished all of this." I genuinely smiled and took his hands.

"It was my honor. I always knew you were a beautiful dancer." He smiled.

"I better go take my seat, I'll be watching you, babe." He stood and dusted off his knees.

"John!" I stood up and waddled sideways in my pointe shoes.

He turned and I kissed his cheek. "Thanks for always being my teddy boy."

Maggie Mae and her John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now