Chapter 19

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   Once again the boys were off again. Filming for their new film A Hard Day's Night. That left Maggie alone with Lucy while George was in London busy shooting for the film.

  On this particular day, it was pouring outside and Maggie had just gotten Lucy down for her nap and laid on the couch for some well needed 'Mum time'.

   She had just managed to close her own eyes when she was interrupted by a loud knocking on the front door.

  Huffing she stomped across the room before opening the door to a shivering John. "What do you- John?" Maggie stared wide-eyed at the drenched man.

  "Hey, Maggs. Can I come in?" John smiled as he held his jacket over his head. Maggie moved aside and watched him hang his coat on the rack.

"What're you doing here John?" She sighed, crossing her arms.

  "Had to come home. Julian's sick."

Maggie frowned, her gaze softening, "Poor lamb. I-" Maggie pushed John away as he cupped her face, kissing her deeply, "John what the hell?!" John eyed her with love, or rather lust filled eyes.

   "I've missed you so much, Maggie. I can't go on........I love you, Maggie." John kissed her again and began trailing butterfly kisses down her neck.

  "No John..... Oh, John...." She moaned as he hit her sweet spot.

John continued to kiss her until they reached the first room available, which happened to be the guest room.

  They collapsed on the bed where Maggie began unbuttoning John's shirt, "What about Julian?" She asked stopping him in his kisses.

"He's fine," John shrugged, "That was just an excuse to come see you." He kissed a particularly sensitive part of her skin before she could yell at him.

   Maggie snuggled against John who had her pressed against his chest. "I forgot how wonderful you are." She drew patterns on his skin and he kissed her head.

"I missed you too."

Maggie suddenly frowned."John this can't happen again."

   John groaned and pulled her closer, burying his face in her neck "Let's just let it be for now ok?!"

  Maggie was saved from answering as Lucy began to cry from the next room. Slipping on her robe Maggie left to attend her child.

   As she returned she found John buckling his pants and slipping on his shirt. "Where are you going?" Maggie crossed her arms.

   "Home to Cyn. Cause I can't be allowed to love you. Least she doesn't answer me in bed." Maggie pushed John who slapped her hard enough to bruise.

John stared at Maggie in horror as she held her cheek.

     "Get out." She whispered, tears cascading down her cheeks.

   "Maggie love I'm sorry. I-"

   "Get the hell out of my fucking house Lennon!" Maggie pointed to the door.

    John paused at the doorway before continuing out.

   Maggie collapsed onto her bed once the front door had slammed. She didn't know what to do anymore. She loved George. He gave her everything and loved her and gave her their daughter.

But John was an old flame that wouldn't die out. One that she could still feel the passion and heat. Her mother had warned her, not to play with fire, else she'd get her fingers burned.

    But she was afraid she's already burnt them.

Maggie Mae and her John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now