Being carful

53 4 2

Ian's POV

I was sitting there with a half naked beautiful girl sitting next to me. I'm surprised I didn't scream...

I mean it's Emma. The smosh's youngest and smallest girl. Our best friend. She lived next to us almost her entire life. We practically raised her. We were like her older brothers. We love her and would never let anything hurt her.

Until we did.

I still can't believe that Josh did this to her. And the fact that she expected this when she got home is bullshit. Absolute BULLSHIT! She is the nicest girl on the planet, wouldn't hurt a fly, and someone who claims to love her ALMOST KILLS HER?? She doesn't deserve one does.

I almost forget what I'm doing when I hear her hiss in pain. I JUST RIPPED A SCAB OFF!! Omg. Omg. I don't know what to do. I put a cotton ball on it and take it off. I dab the blood away and keep cleaning it. I lean down and kiss it. That seemed to help the pain...

I keep going until she jerks away and I see Anthony hugging her and kissing her. I want to scream at him BE CAREFUL!! But I know he is trying to be. So we continue cleaning the cuts. I hate doing this to her. I don't like hurting her.

Broken hearted loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt