First day back pt 1

25 4 1

Emma's POV

I wake up in the morning with Anthony hugging me. I look at my phone 7:23. Just in time. We need to be in the office by 9:00.

I get out of his grasp and try to sand up off the bed.


I fall back down into the bed. WHEN WILL THIS END?!?

I wake up Anthony. "Morning beautiful. How are you?" He says drowsily still from sleep.

"Still can't walk..." I say with a sigh. I don't know why my legs won't let me walk.

"Aww. My poor baby." He leans in and kisses my forehead. "Don't worry. You'll have fun at the office today being carried around all the time. Having all of us wait on you hand and foot. Doesn't that sound like fun?" He's trying to lighten the mood.

And yes. That does sound extremely fun. "I guess that would be fun..."

I immediately smile and leap into his arms. I HAVE BUTLERS TODAY!! WOOHOO!

I grab a pair of black leggings and a grey tee with my letter jacket. Anthony helps me get dressed and gives me to Ian who takes me downstairs on his back to get some pancakes.


I eat all of my pancakes and check my phone. Nope. Nothing new.

They put me in the car and we drive off. I'm so EXCITED!!

But as soon as we get there, I realize that I will have to explain why I can walk. Oh no.

We pull into the parking spot and Anthony gives me a piggyback ride.

As we walk into the office, Ian calls for all smosh people to come to the gamebang room. When they do, Anthony sets me down.

Here goes nothing.


Broken hearted loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt