Just keep cleaning just keep cleaning...

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Emma's POV

"Uh...Anthony? Ian? How can I take a shower if I can barely walk?" I ask. They look up and by the way their faces got red, they pretty much freaked out.

"Uh...well...I guess one of us will have to...um...join you..." Anthony was calm yet freaking out.

"Okay." I'm pretty sure I said that with a calm face. I didn't mind that. They've known me for such a long time. Heck they probably bathed me when they babysat me when I was little. So yeah. No biggy.

"Um Anthony...can I talk to you for a sec?" Ian said nervously.

They walked out of the room and just left me there half naked, and bleeding. Great friends I have...

They walk back in a few minutes later. Anthony picks me up again and sets me on his lap to finish cleaning the cuts.

A few minutes in Anthony breaks the silence and says "Are you ok with me showering with you?" Well yeah. Look at him. He has the perfect body and he's so...


"Uh...yeah that'd be fine with me." I try to say nonchalantly. "I mean if it's fine with you..."

"Fine by me." Anthony says relieved that I said yes.

I lean back forward for him to complete his task of cleaning the blood off my back. This hurts again. "OWOWOWOW!!" I scream at both of them as they each rip ANOTHER scab at the SAME TIME.

I feel like a 2 year old getting shots. I start to cry at the pain. "Owowowow..." I whimper as the both try to kiss away the pain. It doesn't work very well and I keep crying. They both stop and this time, Ian picks me up off of Anthony's lap. They are acting like I'm a baby but I kinda like it.

Since I'm small, I can still fit on both of their laps. I'm only like 5'4. They are both at least a head over me.

Ian cuddles me up into a ball and rocks me back and forth. He kisses my forehead and continues rocking until I stop crying. After I stopped crying, Ian hands me over to Anthony and Anthony kisses my head to.

They then set me up again and continue with the cleaning of my cuts. They are awesome...

Broken hearted loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt