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Emma's POV

"Did it ever come across you mind that you might be pregnant?"

I shake my head and start to cry.

I might be pregnant. With Anthony's baby. Shit.

I keep shaking my head. "No. I can't!" I say again and again on repeat like a song on an iPod.

I look up at Mari and she gives me a sympathetic look.

I can't breathe. This can't be happening.

I get up and run out of the room and straight out the front door.

I start walking. And walking. And walking.

The I finally reach my destination. Wes' house.

I knock on his door and he comes straight to it.

"Hey Emma! What are you doing here?"

Without responding, I fall into his arms and start to cry.

"Hey...Emma what's wrong?" He picks me up and takes me inside. "Tell me what happened."

I tell him that I might be pregnant but I don't tell him that it would be Anthony's baby.

He looks at me with a shocked expression. "I know. I KNOW!" I say and start to fall into a panic attack.

I start to hyperventilate and my eyes get teary.

"Hey Emma. Calm down. Shhhh. It's ok. Calm down."  He says repeatedly until I'm calm.

He tells me it will all be ok and hugs me before taking me home. "Don't tell anyone. Please." He nods his head.

As we pull up into the driveway he walks me to the door. When I knock I can hear Anthony literally running to the door.

The door flies open and there stands a very worried Anthony. He picks me up and holds me tight. I hug him back and he peppers kisses on the top of my head. "Thank god your home...I was so worried"

Ian thanks Wes for bringing me home and they tell me that Mari left about an hour after me.

I look at the clock. 9:26. Geez it's getting late.

I go upstairs and get in my pjs. I come back down and we play super smash brothers and mariocart wii until about 2am.

I'm pretty sure I fall asleep on Anthony's lap. He picks me up and takes me up to bed and cuddles up with me.

But I still can't shake the fact they I might be carrying Anthony's baby.

I guess we will find out tomorrow...

Broken hearted loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt