Bacon wakes me up

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Anthony's POV

I wake up in the morning to the most beautiful girl in the world: Emma.

Why am I here?

And hen I remember last night. She had a nightmare about Josh and asked me to stay. And now I'm here.

I look down at her again and see that her face is cringed up. She must be having a bad dream.

Oh yeah. And thank god it's Sunday. I couldn't handle work today and I'm sure Emma couldn't either. Poor thing...

I feel so bad about last night. We had to hurt her a lot. And I mean a lot.

She shouldn't have to go through that even after Josh is out of her life. I just feel so bad.

I was gripped out of my thoughts by Emma squeezing me. She was whimpering but not awake.

I start to rub her back and she loosens up a bit.

Just then she wakes up and yelps a little. "Hey baby. What's wrong?"

"Josh k-killed me a-gain." I hug her tight. "It's ok baby. I've got you. Shhh I've got you..." She looks up at me and I lean down and kiss her.

She smiles and climbs on top of me. I help her a bit because of, well, everything.

She rests her head on my chest and almost falls asleep again.

Then she looks up and we both smell it.


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