Chapter 4: I'm determined

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I meant every word I said to my father. I am going to find a way to keep dancing even if it hurts to try. I have to do this. I can't give up on my dream that easily.

The next day I get ready as normal. I go straight to my history class. I can tell everyone notices my self confidence. After all the other classes I go to dance. Inside everyone stares at me like I am crazy. Which in a way I am. "Allie, I thought your father was talking to you about switching electives." Mrs. Regan says. "He did," I tell her " but I told home I'd find a way to continue with my dream even if I was a cripple." I try to get out of the wheelchair but end up falling into a jumbled heap on the ground. Vivian rushes over to help me with a concerned Cary right behind her. They lift me up and help me back into my only way of transportation. "No I don't want to sit in this stupid chair. I want to dance and live my life like it used to be before that stupid accident that killed my mom and made me a cripple!" I yell starting to cry about the horrible thing that is my life.

I bring myself outside ignoring the protests from Mrs.Regan, Vivian, and Cary. Why are they complaining. They didn't exactly help me learn to dance this way with open arms. I start crying all over again. I have the worst life in the world. First my mom dies in an accident, then I become a cripple from the same accident, and lastly no one was helping me achieve my dream of dancing without help from any stupid little machine. I can't believe I came to school so confident. All that confidence is now gone, left behind in the studio at school. I hear footsteps behind me and see a bunch of students swarming through the halls. I guess I didn't hear the bell ring. I start towards my next and final class, the one I always dread, science. I know some people judge me for hating science, it's just ever since we had to dissect an owl pellet in third grade, I've never looked at science the same way again.

After class I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Cary standing behind me. " what do you want Carrot." I say using my nickname for her. " Well, my mom works at a therapy thing for people that have a disability like yours." She told me " I was wondering if you would like me to set up an appointment for you through my?" Her telling me this made me very annoyed. Did she think that I couldn't figure out my problems by myself? "No thank you!" I responded a bit too harsh. She walked off dejectedly, leaving me alone again. Then I went back to waiting for my dad to pick me up.

At home I just go to my room to do my homework, ignoring my dad's calls. I try to start with my math homework but my brother interrupts me as he ran into my room. "Get out!" I yell at him. He ignores my protests and sits on my bed. Finally giving in to the fact that he isn't going anywhere I ask him what is wrong. Instead of answering he just sat on my bed staring out the window. After a long time of waiting for him to answer I gave up and went back to my homework. As soon as I forgot he was in there he responds to my question. "I miss mommy!" Is all he gets out before he starts to cry. His cries turn to sobs. I can't take it anymore. I motion for him to sit on my lap. He obeys me and starts to cry into my shirt. All I can do is try and calm him down but that isn't happening anytime soon because I start to cry myself. Finally my dad calls us to dinner, giving me an excuse to kick my brother off my lap.

At the dinner table, my father can tell that we had been crying and his fake smile suddenly turns into a look of concern. "What's wrong my children." He said being the weird dad he is. "Nothing" we both say at the exact same time. Then I start to cry again remembering my mom's laugh when we had those weird sibling moments. My father noticed my silent tears and came over to comfort me, telling me everything would be the same in due time. But nothing is ever going to be the same. My loving mom is gone. My long working legs are gone. Nothing could ever be the same, no matter how much anyone insists it would be.

That night I lay in my bed, not feeling my legs like usual. The only hurt I feel was in my heart. This pain is all my mom's fault. She left us alone on this miserable planet we call earth. I can't help but cry myself to sleep. That night I dreamed that I am a dancer again. I waltz around in a graceful manner. This is what my life was life before it happened. I wake up crying I just want everything to go back to the way it was before my life was ruined. Maybe my mom is watching from wherever she is now. If so I will make her proud and not give up on my life long dream like I have been wanting to all day. This is my life and I won't let some silly injury get into the way of my hopes and dreams.

A/N- hello everybody. I hope you like my story. Kaley's mood swings are weird. She goes from determined to sad and angry then she is determined all over again. I guess its just that age. Oh, and I can't wait till school starts again its only a few weeks away!

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