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24 years later

I glance over at my daughter as she dances around in the dance room in front of me.

Anna is ten years old and follows in my footsteps. She loves to dance and is very creative unlike her older brother Brandon. He is sixteen and just hangs around the house playing video games every chance he has.

My husband, Xavier, sits next to me on the bench. My phone rings and I quickly answer it. "Where are you? You were supposed to be here five minutes ago."

I sigh. "I'm sorry, I'm at my daughter's studio."

"Well get here now. The show can't start until you get here." My agent yells in my ear before hanging up. I laugh before standing up and walking out of the studio to my car.

I roll up to the stage entrance and quickly hop out. People swarm around me, fixing my hair and makeup as we rush in. I change and peek out the curtains. The theater is quickly filling up.

I warm up my feet listening for my cue. The music starts playing and I rush out. The crowd roars with applause. This is my life.

A/n- I FINISHED! Look out for the sequel Dancing in the Shadow. It is about her daughter. It won't be up until I'm done editing this.

See ya,

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