Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out

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I just got home from school and I saw my dad walk towards me. "We need to talk." He tells me and leads me to his office. "You know how you noticed that you were standing?" He said and took a deep breath "Well it was a sign that you have temporary parilises. There was a chance that it was permanent so I didn't tell you sooner." As soon as he says this I am shocked. Why would he keep this from me? I understand that he didn't want me to get my hopes up, but still!
He must have seen my surprise and hurt because he opened his mouth to speak. Before he could get a word out I interrupted him "Is this what mom would have wanted?" I asked then went to my room and locked the door. I went to lay on my bed and ignore the rest of the family
When Zoey called me to come down for dinner I didn't. She brought it up to me after she figured out that I wasn't coming down. I was still upset at my dad and didn't let her come in. I just had her put my dinner on the floor in front of my door then walk away.
For the next couple of days I ignored my dad completely. Although I noticed that what he had said was true. I was slowly going back to normal. Zoey had suggested that I go to a therapist but I refused. So instead she brought me to a doctor to decide what to do next.
"Kaley, the doctor is ready to see you." said the nurse. She then led us to the room where the doctor was. "Kaley, how have you been feeling?" He asked me when I sat down. "Fine I guess." I said uncertainly. "Good to hear." He responded overlooking my uncertainty. "Today we are going to check your reflexes. Last time they checked your legs didn't respond at all. Let's see if it is different now."
He takes out a hammer looking thing and taps gently on each knee. Nothing happens. He did it a little harder and my legs moved a centimeter. "One last time." He tells me then whacks my knee. This time they moved about an foot. "That's much better," he says, "you are definitely going back to normal but you still have a ways to go. Most people's legs would have moved about a foot on the second tap, not the third." I started to worry. What if my legs only went halfway back to normal. Well, I guess the only way to find out is to let time pass.

A/n- Okay I know it has been a while but here it is. There is 6-7 more chapter including the epilogue. I have already decided that there will be a sequel. When this is done I will post it. It is going to be called Dancing in the Shadows. And guess what I typed this on. MY BRAND NEW IPHONE 6!!!!! I got it for my birthday. It is HUGE! Not joking. My iPod isn't even the screen size. Yea. I also got an iPod shuffle. I had this idea for a book. I was just flipping through a dictionary at school and saw the word see I immediately thought of a book. I am going to work on the prologue tonight. It is called The Ghost in me. Soooooo.

See ya,

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