Chapter 5: I.. can... do.. it

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I wake up when my alarm clock beeps. I have forgotten that today is Saturday. I sit up in bed and try to stand, causing me to collapse onto the floor. Everyday I try to stand because every night I forget my legs are paralysed. Crippled. Dead. I hate the feeling of not being able to run free like every other kid my age. I hate not being able to dance all I want. I hate how people talk about me and my "disease", as they call it. But most of all I hate that my mother left me alone on this planet where all anyone thinks of me is the creep that's mother left her alone. I hate my life but I am trying to make the best of it. I dragged myself over to my desk. The only escape I had from my feelings is when I write or dance, but the dancing part isn't  going to happen for awhile. So I just sat at my desk typing my distress and sadness into a story. I look at the time on my computer and gasped when I saw the date. Today is January 16, aka my brothers birthday. Through all my sadness and pain I had forgotten all about the important things I still had left in life. My father, my brother, and supporting friends. I grabbed my phone that was perched on the edge of the desk and saw both Vivi and Cary had texted me. It said that "We have been discussing that we don't want you as a friend anymore you attract too much unecessary attention to us. We are sorry but this was going to happen soon anyways." My heart broke, they don't want to be my friends? The only thing left is my family. The only thing is that they aren't there for me a lot. My father has been dating again and my brother has been staying at his friends' house. The house was empty today so I drag myself to the kitchen and made myself a bagel. I know most of you think I am really tired so I am going very careful in, but I am literally dragging myself around the house using only my arms.

A little later my father comes in dragging his girlfriend behind him, not even noticing that I'm on the couch, but I hardly blame him who would want to aknowledge your ugly, crippled daughter when you have a beatiful girlfriend with you. Unconsciously, tears started falling down my cheeks. Afraid that my father and his girlfriend would see me I drag myself to my room. I start to sob uncontrollably. When I had no tears left I went over to my barré and pulled myself up using my upper body strength that I had acquired to hold my weight. I did this every day. If I ever did want to dance again then I would need upper body strength because I will never be able to dance on my legs again. Some people say that I am brave for trying to get over my condition. Others say that I am stupid for trying. I don't know why I let these people influence who I am but I can't help it. It has become like a second nature to me.

(Monday morning)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and groan. I roll over trying to sit up and accidentally roll off the bed. I yelp in surprise as I fall onto my floor. I bring myself to my thing and sit down  I go into my closet and find nothing to wear. Everything is dirty because no one has done the laundry, or any household chore for that matter, since my mother died. I just pick up some old clothes and throw them on, I eat breakfast then leave for school.


Kaley's father's P.o.v

I don't know why I ignore Kaley like I do. I guess she just reminds me too much of Cathy. So instead of continuing on like she would of wanted I drown my sorrows in alcohol and other woman. It is not very responsible but I barley watch my kids anymore. I leave them either in their own care  or in a friend's care. I am planning on getting more serious with my current girlfriend because my kids should grow up with a mom even if it isn't biologically their mother, but it will give them the care they need to grow up like other kids. I was devastated to find out that Kaley was paralysed because I couldn't afford the treatment that will help them get better. I had lost my job as a lawyer when some younger talent came looking for a job. I had gotten another job as a cashier at Publix but it doesn't pay much. Well at least not enough to pay the expenses of a surgery.  Kaley believes that she will never walk again, but the doctor told me that there was a chance her legs could heal naturally without the surgery. There is also a chance that her legs will get worse. Not that there was much room for them to get worse.

I drive up to pick Zoey, my girlfriend, from her house. She has a job as a nurse at the local hospital. The kids are at school and I had the day off from work. She hops in my car and we drive to the bar. This is our hangout spot. Even if it is 10 am in the morning. We get drunk then head home because I have to pick up the kids. My once talkative son now barely ever talks and my once very likeable daughter is distressed and sad. The car accident changed all of our life's for the worst.

Kaley's P.o.v

My father pulls up to school with my little brother inside. At school I had no support at all. I have no friends now and everyone else bully's me behind my back, so I have no chance of getting any friends. I hate school now more than I ever would have. Only the teachers and a select few students, who similar fates had befallen, understand and pity me. This world was not what I imagined it would be like when I was younger. I have just had a rude awakening into reality.

A/n- So that is all I could write today but what do you think. I understand if you don't understand some of the words I write. I think it is from what I have read, but get this. I am only 12. Yep I know I have read about 1000 books this summer and can't wait for school to start. Oh btw I am not a nerd. Even if I like to read and like school (sometimes) that does not mean I am a nerd. I just wanted to get that out there. Well I am going to write a teaser for the next chapter. It is, "Friends aren't really friends if they don't support each other through hard times. That is why you can trust me. I want to be your friend." Someone is saying this to Kaley but who would. You just have to find out. So what do you think of Kaley's father. I know I made him sound really mean and heartless but it will get better for him and the rest of the family.

You'll  just have to wait till next time to find out who wants to be Kaley's friend.

See ya, Em 😜

P.s. my name is really Emma but I like the nickname Em so that's what I like to call myself on YouTube and wattpad.

P.p.s. I am writing this on my iPod at like 12 a.m so please don't judge me for the quality of my writing. I am a wee bit tired. So goodnight y'all (I know , I know I just went from writing with a Scottish accent to writing with a western accent. If you can't tell I am VERY weird. Just ask all my friends. 😄)

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