The Truth

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Ricky POV
I'm not gonna lie, I did feel guilt when I shouted at that guy Max I think his name is. I mean he does seem like a sweet person same with that Hayley girl. It's just I can't accept the thought of getting along with vampires. I sat down on the bed waiting for Chris to return I haven't drank any of the blood as the contents was spilled on the floor. But my arm was fucking killing me from Max's Dom throwing me into the wall.

I watched to see the door knob slowly turn as someone walked in. I looked to see it was Chris. "Josh told me what happened" he said as he looked at the blood on the floor.
"You know Max and Hayley were only trying to be nice and I told them to do them jobs for you to make you more comfortable here" he explained.
"Why were you horrible?"
"Because I don't want to be here! I'm not a vampire and never will be, vampires are the basterds that killed my sister and drained the life out of her!"
"I know" I paused in my sentence what did he mean by I know?

"W-what do you mean?"
"I was there?" He confessed. What? Was he the one who killed my sister?
"Y-y-you were there?"
"Give me a chance to explain I heard commotion going on in the woods and I looked to see your sister screaming as someone was drinking her blood" My vision became hazy with tears as this could be the truth.

"Oh my god" I whimpered and placed a hand over my mouth as my vision became hazy as tears threatened to escape. "Why didn't you do anything?"
"Because by the time I got there it was too late but I still had a chance to save you the vampire was an alpha he had put a spell on you to put you to sleep so that you couldn't fight him and cause a commotion...I ended up coming face to face with him and I was able to fight him off and scare him away before he killed you" he explained as he walked over to me.

"And then I saw you lying on the floor I headed over to you to take you home...your face was so beautiful I mean it still is but it was so breath taking to see for the first time...when I saw you in school the other day your face looked really familiar and then I remembered when I found you in the graveyard asleep next to your sister's grave" He continued as he cupped my cheek with his hand.

Part of me believed him and part of me didn't
"how do I know your not lying?" I said my voice breaking a bit.
"How do I know you're not the one who killed her" I pointed my finger at him with a shaky hand.
He took a knife out and placed it on his neck hissing slightly as he cut a bit of his neck. I watched as the blood oozed out of the cut. He leaned over me on the bed looking into my eyes. "Drink my blood, when you drink your mates blood you can see things in their past. He leaned closer to me with his neck close to my mouth.

I hesitated before pressing my lips to his neck and began drinking the blood. I could see it I could see it all how my sister died, how Chris came running over and saved me and how he took me home to my parents.

"RICKY RUN! DO YOU HEAR ME?! FUCKING RUN!" Screamed my sister I watched in Chris' eyes as he ran to the murder scene. He ran over pushing the guy to the floor "you're pathetic Kuza he's just a kid and you killed her for him you disgust me" he hissed. Who was Kuza? Did he know him? "Get the fuck out of here!" He snapped.
"I'll see you around Chris don't think you can protect him forever" said the man before running using vampire speed away. He walked over to my lifeless body stroking my hair out of my face before picking me up.

I gripped onto his coat and began to sob as I continued to drink. Once I finally let go I watched as Chris' neck quickly healed. I began to cry completely he was telling the truth after all. He saved me when I was about to die. I had spent so much time hating vampires that I haven't been myself for a long time. I kept my grip on his coat and nuzzled my face into his chest and cried. "Shhhh it's ok I'm here" he whispered softly as he held onto me. I could feel teeth piercing through my gums as I was transitioning into a full vampire. It hurt but not as much as I was already feeling. Chris gently let go of me and looked into my eyes "shhh don't cry" he whispered as he cupped my cheek wiping the tears away.

He wrapped his arms around me and pushed me so I was now lying down on the bed with him. Last thing I remember was going to sleep crying in his arms...

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