Voodoo Ritual

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Ricky POV
So Chris told us that Gab a member of Ash and Nikki's pack was going to start a ritual to break any compulsion and bring up any memories that Vinny has.

Currently in the room was me, Chris, Gab, Craig, Vinny, Ash and Nikki.
"Is this actually going to work?" Asked Craig as he poured ice into a large tub of water.

"Have you tried this before?" I asked
"To be honest no I haven't I watched it on Teen Wolf so it might work" she replied.
"But that's a TV show!" Said Craig.
"I know but it might work"

"So how does this work?" Asked Chris
"We need to get his heartbeat slow"
"How slow?" Asked Ash
"Really really slow...close to death as they said on the show enough to hypnotise him"

"What?!" Shouted Vinny
"Craig when Vinny goes in I want you to push him down if he tries to fight back ok?"

Vinny took a deep breath shaking his hands before climbing into the water. I watched as he harshly breathed in and out as he adjusted to the cold water. I would not like to be in his position.

"Ok now!" She ordered.
Craig pushed Vinny back in the water and he tried struggling he stayed down since he's only human so Craig was stronger.
"Ok let him go"

We all gathered around the tub and watched as Vinny stayed at the bottom of the water. Was he dead? Slowly he rises out of the water so his face was the only thing rises out.

"No one speak it might confuse him if this has worked" she spoke and we all nodded our heads.

"Vinny can you hear me?" She asked. He was silent for about ten seconds before answering.
"Wow it worked who would of thought something from a TV show would work!" She replied surprised.

Vinny POV

"Vinny do you remember what happened that night?" She asked me. I kept my eyes closed and everything began to flash through my mind.

"Four of our pack members have gone missing Vinny I need you to find them and report back to me so we can send the others to go after them" I remember Ash ordering me to do.

"Yes Ash told me to look for the others and to report back to her" I replied.
Suddenly images began to flash through again.

"STAY AWAY FROM KELLIN DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Shouted one of them Vic I think another vampire slashed him across the face causing him to fall to the floor.
"VIC!! VIC ARE YOU OK?!" He shouted running over to him.

"I saw Vic and Kellin!" I called out
"Are they ok?" She asked
"What about Tyler and Michael?"

More images began to flash through my mind.
Someone grabbed Tyler "MICHAEL HELP ME!!" He screamed as he got dragged to another room. Someone grabbed Michael tying a rope around his neck pulling him up. Can hanging kill a vampire?

"I think Michael and Tyler are dead! Oh my god are they dead?!" I called out in fear trying not to pull myself out of the water. I felt a force push me back down it must have been Craig.

"THEY SEE ME! THEIR GOING TO KILL ME!!" I shouted struggling
"Vinny calm down its just a flashback!" Argued Gab.
But it didn't feel like a flashback it felt real.

"VINNY WHERE ARE THEY!!" Shouted Ash. I felt myself being brought back to reality. I knew where they were.

Throwing myself forward I shouted "AN ABANDONED WEREHOUSE IN PENNSYLVANIA!!" I shouted as I threw myself forward back into reality.

"I saw it there in the abandoned Werehouse in Pennsylvania. I breathed as I climbed out of the could water Nikki passing me a towel wrapping it around me.

Ricky POV

"So what happens now?" I asked
"We can send some of my pack and we can send some of yours to go after them" replied Ash.
"But what if they are dead Vinny said they could be" replied Chris.
"I don't think they are a vampire can feel when someone in their pack does everyone has experienced it once in their life" replied Ash.

"Ben, Denis, Kyle, Andy get in here!" Called Nikki.

All four of them walked into the room "Yes?" Asked Kyle.
"We know where the others are I want you and a couple of Chris' pack members to go after them" responded Ash.

"Ryan, Allie, Ghost, Kylie" called Chris and they walked in "yes Chris?" Asked Kylie.
"I want you to join these in tracking down Ash and Nikki's pack members there in an abandoned werehouse in Pennsylvania" responded Chris.

"Off you go I want them back even if they are dead because there might be a chance" ordered Ash.
"Yes Ash" responded Denis before they all used their vampire speed to run out.

"What about me?" I asked
"Ricky I don't want you risk dying" responded Chris
"But you will risk your other pack members do you think I'm weak?!" I argued.

"They have been vampires since they were born of course their going to be stronger! I don't want you getting hurt" he responded.

In a strop I stormed up the stairs. I do appreciate that Chris is looking out for me but I'm not as weak as he thinks. I trained to be a vampire hunter since I was 10. Rushing to the spare bedroom I opened my bag. Grabbing a stake, hidden knife and my bow and arrow.

I strapped the knife to my ankle and pulled my pant leg down, putting a belt over me I placed the stake in and hooked my bow and arrows over me. I needed to find Kuza myself I knew if Chris found him he's more likely to take the peaceful approach which is something I'm not willing to follow. The fucker killed my sister. Climbing out the window I jumped down and started running.

Sorry Chris but I need to find him.....

Duh duh duh so what do you think so far?

Do you think Ricky will find Kuza? What do think will happen when Chris finds out? And are Michael, Tyler, Vic and Kellin alive? Let me know what you think :p

And if you have any ideas Of what I should no next in the story let me know. I feel like I starting to get writers block :s

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